Under MySQL you can use the LCASE() (Or UCASE if you prefer) function to do something like:

SELECT DISTINCT Job.JobId as JobId, Client.Name as Client,
 FROM Client,Job,File,Filename,Path WHERE Client.ClientId=Job.ClientId
 AND JobStatus='T' AND Job.JobId=File.JobId
 AND Path.PathId=File.PathId AND Filename.FilenameId=File.FilenameId
 AND LCASE(Filename.Name)='filenameinlowercase.doc'
 ORDER BY Job.StartTime LIMIT 20;

You would need to provide the filename in all lowercase to get a match.

Not sure what sort of performance hit this would cause for your query tho - can imagine it could be pretty harsh on larger systems

FYI, The above query is straight out of /etc/bacula/query.sql on my system and was only modified to add the LCASE function and fake filename.


Troy Daniels
Systems Administrator
iTouch Australia PTY LTD.

Dominic Marks wrote:
Mark Nienberg wrote:
I'm using Bacula to back up a Linux Samba fileserver among other machines. Of course the clients to the fileserver are windows machines and they don't care about case in filenames. They create all sorts of case combinations like "document1.doc", "Document2.DOC" and so on.

My most common restore scenario is when someone deletes or corrupts a file and asks me to restore a previous version of it. The easiest way to do this in the console is (I think) to use the query command option 2 "List Jobs where a given File is saved", and then pick an appropriate jobID to restore from based on date of backup.

The problem is that the search for the filename is case sensitive (the MySQL field is type "binary") so it is hard to guess what filename to enter. I wonder if I could use option 4 "Enter SQL list command" to do a case-insensitive search. Any suggestions on what this SQL command would look like for MySQL? Or is there a better way to do this?

One method:

Do you locate(1) on the Linux boxes? If you don't have it enabled set it to run at least as frequently as you Backup. Then you can use locate+grep to find your files.


 locate /raid/samba/home/dom | grep -i ".doc"

This will list off all the files locate last saw and you can grep on that list in any way you like (eg: case insenstive).

Just make sure you archive your old locate databases rather than overwriting and you should have the ability to go back in time and search in a variety of ways over your SAMBA server.

A little scripting required perhaps but a work-able solution.



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