Hi Kern,

I did not intend for my emails to be read as complaints. Bacula works _Very_ 
well for me, and I am very grateful for the work that you do. My intent was to 
essentially submit bug reports against the docs. Is it the case that the 
Scratch Pool just doesn't work in 1.36? If that is the case, simply modifing 
the docs as such would clear things up a bit:


<H3><A NAME="SECTION0001410100000000000000">
The Scratch Pool</A>
<A NAME="6959"></A>
<A NAME="6960"></A>
In general, you can give your Pools any name you wish, but there is one 
important restriction: the Pool named <B>Scratch</B>, if it exists behaves 
like a scratch pool of Volumes in that when Bacula needs a new Volume for 
writing and it cannot find one, it will look in the Scratch pool, and if
it finds an available Volume, it will move it out of the Scratch pool into
the Pool currently being used by the job.


<H3><A NAME="SECTION0001410100000000000000">
The Scratch Pool</A>
<A NAME="6959"></A>
<A NAME="6960"></A>
In general, you can give your Pools any name you wish, but there is one 
important restriction: the Pool named <B>Scratch</B>, if it exists behaves 
like a scratch pool of Volumes in that when Bacula needs a new Volume for 
writing and it cannot find one, it will look in the Scratch pool, and if
it finds an available Volume, it will move it out of the Scratch pool into
the Pool currently being used by the job. Note that the Scratch pool does
not work properly for versions prior to {INSERT VERSION IN WHICH IT IS KNOW TO 
WORK HERE}, but it is
still recommended that you not use the Scratch pool in prior versions for
anything else as it will hinder your upgrade path.

        Regaurding my previous email, on the migration from SQLite to MySQL, I 
don't have enough knowledge of the intricacies of SQLite or MySQL to propose a 
proper migration solution. But I will attempt to put together a documentation 
change that will point the reader in the right direction. I will send this in a 
seperate email.



-----Original Message-----
From: Kern Sibbald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 12:06 AM
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Bennett, Silas (GE Indust, Security)
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Scratch Pool Question

On Friday 14 April 2006 04:08, Bennett, Silas (GE Indust, Security) wrote:
> Hi All,
> This is a follow up to my SQLite -> MySQL migration Email.
> The Scratch Pool has _NEVER_ worked for me, and during the database
> migration, I noticed something.
> In the Pool Table there is a field called ScratchPoolId, and all of the
> records in the table have ScratchPoolId set to 0. What is the purpose of
> ScratchPoolId, can I set that to the PoolId value of the Scratch Pool and
> make stuff work? Is there any configuration file directives to put into the
> Pool resource definitions to tell it which scratch pool to use?
> The Docs are again a bit thin here.

The ScratchPoolId is not used, so don't worry about it (at least not yet).  I 
don't have time to document all the technical details, so the docs are going 
to remain very thin in that regard for a long time.

However, in the case where someone has specific knowledge of the deficiencies 
of the manual, it would be more useful to complain and at the same time send 
me suggested new text rather than throw the work back on me as is the case 
95% of the time.

Best regards,



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