Hi Westley,

I'm looking at using Bacula to provide backup for our remote offices over the Internet. Is this possible? I only want to backup to hard- disk, not to

Bacula provides a backup to disk option, which several people on this list use (I don't). As for backing up over the internet, there should be no problem providing you don't have any firewalls in the way, or if you do that you poke some holes for the client to speak with the backup server. I would advise using encryption at the communications level, detailed in the bacula manual here: http://www.bacula.org/dev- manual/Using_stunne_Encryp_Commun.html which also outlines the ports that would need to be available on the client and server.

Just trying to make sure I'm using the right application before I go through
the process of installing it.

If those are your only two reservations, bacula should be a good fit.


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