On Friday 14 April 2006 06:07, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 13 Apr 2006 at 17:07, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
> > How can I help out best?
> Kern will be able to add to this, but I thought I'd outline what I
> provide to Kern for testing on FreeBSD.  He has access to a FreeBSD
> 5.4 box.  He does has root access on the box, but that may not be
> required.  He has access to a DLT tape drive.  The box in question is
> actually running in a jail (aka virtual server).  That is all the
> virtual server does.  It's there for his regression testing.  The
> tape drive is not used for anything else but what he needs.  The
> system is always powered on and with a tape in the drive.
> The rest of the system is used by me for various things, but the jail
> runs along quietly in the background.  I never really notice Kern on
> the box.  He's very quiet.  ;)

:-)  Yes, thanks Dan.  Just in case it wasn't totally clear, I consider 
FreeBSD a fully supported system thanks to Dan, and I don't have any 
intention of changing that.

At least three people have responded to my call for help, and I will respond 
to them off-line as it seems possible to come up with a reasonable solution 
at least for the regression testing with tape testing ...

Best regards,



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