On Thursday 06 April 2006 14:31, Dan Langille wrote:
> On 6 Apr 2006 at 9:50, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > - For each port I would like to have all the necessary scripts and
> > control files committed to the Bacula source code in the appropriate part
> > of <bacula-source>/platforms/...   This will permit continuation of the
> > port if a port person is not able to continue the work. This code can be
> > committed and maintained by each of the ports persons directly.
> For the FreeBSD port, these files are all in the FreeBSD source tree.
> I don't think it makes sense to put it into the Bacula source tree
> because the files require the infrastructure provided by the FreeBSD
> ports tree.
>   http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/ports/sysutils/bacula-server/

Since the files are maintained in the FreeBSD source tree, I agree, there is 
no reason to add them to the Bacula tree.

> FYI: The above files allow a FreeBSD user to download, configure,
> patch, and install Bacula by issuing "make install".  This would be
> the equivalent of installing from source and is referred to as "the
> port" or installing "the port".  To create a binary package one only
> need issue the command "make package".  After installation, one
> cannot differentiate something installed from a port from something
> installing from the package.  They both wind up in the package
> FreeBSD management system.
> > For your information, here is the current list of packagers.  I request
> > each of them as well as anyone who is interested to send a note to this
> > list to let us know what you think.
> >
> >  Jose Luis Tallon (Debian)
> >  Scott Barninger  (RPMS)
> >  Lars Koeller     (FreeBSD)
> I recently became the FreeBSD packager (in FreeBSD terminology, I'm
> the port maintainer).  I also maintain the development port of
> Bacula.  That means we have four ports:
>    http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/bacula-server/
>    http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/bacula-client/
>    http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/bacula-server-devel/
>    http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/bacula-client-devel/

Thanks. I'll update my notes to indicate that you are the FreeBSD Bacula 
package maintainer.

> >  Keith Conger     (MacOSX)
> >  Thomas Cameron   (Gentoo)
> >  Luca Berra       (Mandrivia)
> >  Eamon Brosnan    (MacOSX)
> >  Geert Hendrickx  (NetBSD)

I should also note here that, much to my surprise and pleasure, Geert 
Hendrickx has been keeping up with the Bacula releases quite nicely.  If you 
are interested, please see:


Best regards,



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