Mahesh schrieb:

Diogo Melo <dmelorj <at>> writes:

Mahesh wrote:


I am a newbie at Bacula. I have been playing around with it
for some time now. I
am unable to restore from my Windows 2000 Bacula Client.
The "Restore" directive
in facula-dir.conf (which is on a Linux machine) looks like :

Job {
Name = "RestoreFiles1"
Type = Restore
FileSet="Expt Set1"
Storage = File
Pool = Default
Messages = Standard
Where = /tmp/bacula-restores

Now, when i run the "restore-all" at the Linux Bacula server,
I repeatedly get
the following errors when the restore tree is being recreated :

22-Sep 17:07 WIN1-fd: RestoreFiles1.2005-09-22_17.01.08 Error:
..\findlib\../../findlib/create_file.c:182 Could not create
/tmp/bacula-restores/c/\bacula\/Uninstall.exe: ERR=The system
cannot find the path specified.
22-Sep 17:07 WIN1-fd: RestoreFiles1.2005-09-22_17.01.08 Error:
..\findlib\../../findlib/create_file.c:182 Could not create
ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.
22-Sep 17:07 WIN1-fd: RestoreFiles1.2005-09-22_17.01.08 Error:
..\findlib\../../findlib/create_file.c:281 Could not open
/tmp/bacula-restores/c/\bacula\/working/: ERR=The system cannot
find the path specified.
I tested a restore on the Linux Bacula client, and it seems to
be working absolutely fine. But, it seems to mess up with the Windows restore, when it tries to restore the tree. I tested the Windows Client,
by leaving the "Where" clause blank. The Windows Client restores fine at
the original source, in such a scenario, as expected. How can i restore
the backup at a specified path, on a Windows Client ?
Can anybody help me with this ? Thanx a ton !



Try to use "c:/bacula-restore" instead of unix-like path. The bacula's windows path representations is the drive letter "c", "d", etc.. don't use upcase like "C", "D".... and try to use "/" instead of "\".

Sorry 'cause I don't speak english well.

Hope that helps you.


I tried that,but it wont help. I have Bacula 1.36.3. I am facing this problem in both Win98 and Win2k clients .I have been playing around with it, and observed the following :

(1)when i do the restore, i get the error : 26-Sep 13:12 WIN1-fd:
RestoreFiles1.2005-09-26_13.07.00 Error: Cannot create directory
c:/music/e/\mp3\Blink_182: ERR=The system cannot find the path specified.

(2) The restore path is =>  c:/music and my backup path is e:\mp3\Blink_182 .
When i check the restore path of the windows client, i find only the restore
path => c:\music\e\ created, thats it

(3) I have a hunch that this is a bacula does not seem to be getting the
permissions right, while restoring the backup. I checked this out by first
manually recreating only the restore path, without the files in them

(4) I manually created => c:\music\e\mp3\Blink_182\dir1 and
c:\music\e\mp3\Blink_182\dir2 and then started the restore. This time, the
restore succeeded in restoring the files in dir1 and dir2

Am i missing out on anything here ?

i think you have the same problem as i have today.

Do you have / or \ in your fileset for the windows host?

If you have \, this is bad because you should use the unix dir seperator /.



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