On Tuesday 11 April 2006 16:24, David Boyes wrote:
> > > I'm also unclear on whether Bacula currently tracks which volumes
> are
> > > in an autochanger.  Right now, I have two volumes that are both
> > > recorded in the database as "InChanger = 1" and "Slot = 4", but it's
> > > not obvious which tape is actually in the changer.
> An interesting question. Would it be useful to add a MOVE VOLUME command
> that was aware of the "operator" area in some of the larger libraries?
> (Side explanation: on some of the bigger libraries, there is a reserved
> set of slots that are physically accessible from the outside without
> opening the library case and forcing a full inventory of the library.)
> MOVE VOLUME could be coded to know that a certain range of slots
> represented the operator area, and if a slot in that range was the
> destination, set InChanger to 0. If an operator slot is the source of a
> move, then set InChanger to 1.
> I think this will need to tie into the discussion Arno and I were having
> wrt to volume management. Up to now, InChanger=1 has implied that the
> media was available and mountable. I think there's more states than
> that, and we'll need to be more disciplined about media movement in the
> future.

Sorry, but I don't understand what a "MOVE VOLUME" -- or rather what an 
operator area is.  I do understand the concept of an area that is accessible 
from the outside without opening the library case.

By the way, I don't see any problem for InChanger to have multiple values.

Best regards,



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