On Tuesday 11 April 2006 07:53, victoria wrote:
> Hello,
> for a moment i'm writing simple script, which makes for me summary
> report about last backup process. I want select records directly from
> database. So i just got a few questions.
> I want to know where in a database i can find following records:
> - Rate
> - Files count (what is the difference between SD and FD files count?)
> - Bytes
> Other needed records i found.
> Or maybe someone can point me to the documentation, where i can find
> description for each table?
> Thank You in advice.

I suspect that in the long run you will save yourself a lot of time if you 
would look at installing bacula-web.  Though it may not give you all the 
information you want because not everything is in the DB, it does give nice 
looking management level reports in a Web browser.

Many users such as myself running on Fedora Core 4 have zero problems 
installing it. Other users on some releases have had difficulties getting all 
the components installed, but IMO, it just requires a careful reading of the 
bacula-web manual (very small ...).

> Victoria
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