I'm looking at backing up a bunch of our user's laptops.  There's
some pretty decent explanation about how to put together jobs, so
I'm free and clear there.

Where I'm a bit fuzzy is in excluding files.  There are a number of
file "types" that I don't want to waste tape backing up, but are
acceptable for our users to have on their laptops.  Files such as
.mp3, for example.

I can't seem to find it documented anywhere, but can I just do:

  Name = WindowsHomeDirs
    File = "c:\Documents and Settings\"
    File = "*.mp3"

Will the wildcard work as one would expect it to?  If not, is there
another way to accomplish this?

As a side note, the _ideal_ circumstance would be to exclude files by
mime-type, as this would protect from case-[in]sensitivity issues as
well as poorly renamed files.  I don't know how feasible this would
be on non-posix systems that don't have a "file" command ... ?

Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.

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