On Thursday 06 April 2006 17:49, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> This has nothing to do with you, Eric, but since we are on the subject of
> MySQL timeouts: one user troubled by this problem was aserting that Bacula
> remains connected at all times to the MySQL database.  Nothing could be
> farther from the truth (or at least the intention), unless it is a new bug,

I had this error twice in the last two weeks. It hasn't happened during
"regular" use, but - as far as I can tell at the moment - when a backup
required more than one tape (or a different than currently inserted)
and had to wait a long time (like a weekend).

Is it possible that bacula stays connected to the DB while a job is

MfG, Ulrich

Heinz Ulrich Stille / Tel.: +49-541-9400473 / Fax: +49-541-9400450
design_d gmbh / Wilhelmstr. 16 / 49076 Osnabrück / www.design-d.de

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