Hi list, Hi Arno,

I'm back again with some more questions. I studied the manual and I also went through the tutorial, but there is still something
which I don't quite seem to get. I'm wondering what it is?

I tried to filter out the parts, which I think work. I'd like to let you
know what I did, step by step (following the tut on the bacula.org site).

By the way here are the modified .conf(s) I'm using:


Here is some testing I did with the bconsole according to the tutorial from www.bacula.org:


I always get a mail concerning these Jobs, but I can't find out why those Jobs aren't executed/done.

It looks something like this:

04-Apr 01:10 baculahost-dir: Start Backup JobId 8, Job=BackupCatalog.2006-04-04_01.10.00 04-Apr 01:10 baculahost-dir: BackupCatalog.2006-04-04_01.10.00 Fatal error: Unable to authenticate with File daemon. Possible causes:
Passwords or names not the same or
Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or
FD networking messed up (restart daemon).
Please see http://www.bacula.org/html-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors for help. 04-Apr 01:10 baculahost-dir: BackupCatalog.2006-04-04_01.10.00 Error: Bacula 1.36.2 (28Feb05): 04-Apr-2006 01:10:08
 JobId:                  8
 Job:                    BackupCatalog.2006-04-04_01.10.00
 Backup Level:           Full
 Client:                 baculahost-fd
 FileSet:                "Catalog" 2006-04-01 12:55:42
 Pool:                   "Default"
 Storage:                "File"
 Start time:             04-Apr-2006 01:10:02
 End time:               04-Apr-2006 01:10:08
 FD Files Written:       0
 SD Files Written:       0
 FD Bytes Written:       0
 SD Bytes Written:       0
 Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
 Software Compression:   None
 Volume name(s):
 Volume Session Id:      8
 Volume Session Time:    1143813110
 Last Volume Bytes:      0
 Non-fatal FD errors:    0
 SD Errors:              0
 FD termination status:
 SD termination status:  Waiting on FD
 Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

Would you be so nice to take another look in my config files, maybe you can find the bugger, I'm a little helpless right here. Btw, the http://www.bacula.org/html-manual/faq.html#AuthorizationErrors page doesn't exist.

Could you please help me and tell me what I'm still doing wrong?

One more question, if I can connect from the bconsole (under baculaserver) to the baculahost-fd, does this also mean that a connection from the director to this host is possible in general, or do I still need to use the debbuging option to find that out?

Help is greatly appreciated,
Jens Simmoleit

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