On 3/30/2006 9:32 AM, david robert wrote:
i really appriciate your help and my *sd configuration* is as follows i
am new to bacula please help me how to fix this problem or i need to
change any setting in sd configuration.I am using dell DLT 114T tape
drive on debian sarge 3.1 kernel version 2.4.27.The tape status will
change to full after 5 or 6 jobs i am really need in help mate.
I do not think that you have a problem with your setup.
As indicated earlier in this thread, the SD receives a tape write error
and thus concludes the tape is full.
To understand why this error is generated you need to leave bacula and
the btape test procedure. btapes fill command might be worth a try, also
observing the system log during tape operations, and you could try to
test the tapes using dd or tar.
I can't do more than giving you these hints - the other option would be
to buy a pre-configured Bacula system from me, in which case I
definitely could do more for you...
Here is my bacula-sd configuration
Device {
Name = DLT-VS160 #
Media Type = DLT
Archive Device = /dev/nst0
AutomaticMount = yes; # !! mount drive after job
Always Open = yes; # not unmount, via new bconsole
script (if console unmount)
RemovableM edia = yes;
RandomAccess = no;
*my batpe output as follows*
btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:258 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
btape: btape.c:335 open_dev /dev/nst0 OK
=== Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
and re-read the data to verify that it is correct.
This is an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:786 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:802 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:811 Rewind OK.
1000 blocks re-read correctly.
Got EOF on tape.
1000 blocks re-read correctly.
=== Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
== = Write, rewind, and position test ===
I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
and position to a few blocks and verify that it is correct.
This is an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:898 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:914 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:923 Rewind OK.
Reposition to file:block 0:4
Block 5 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 0:200
Block 201 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 0:999
Block 1000 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:0
Block 1001 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:600
Block 1601 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:999
Block 2000 re-read correctly.
=== Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
=== Append files test ===
This test is essential to Bacula.
I'm going to write one record in file 0,
two records in file 1,
and three records in file 2
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:335 open_dev /dev/nst0 OK
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1052 Now moving to end of medium.
btape: btape.c:482 Moved to end of medium.
We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
Now the important part, I am going to attempt to append to the tape.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
Done appending, there should be no I/O errors
Doing Bacula scan of blocks:
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 1
End of File mark.
2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
End of File mark.
3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
End of File mark.
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
End of File mark.
Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
End scanning the tape.
We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
The above Bacula scan should have output identical to what follows.
Please double check it ...
=== Sample correct output ===
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 1
End of File mark.
2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
End of File mark.
3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
End of File mark.
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
End of File mark.
Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
=== End sample correct output ===
If the above scan output is not identical to the
sample output, you MUST correct the problem
or Bacula will not be able to write multiple Jobs to
the tape.
=== Write, backup, and re-read test ===
I'm going to write three records and an EOF
then backup over the EOF and re-read the last record.
Bacula does this after writing the last block on the
tape to verify that the block was written correctly.
This is not an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:4 35 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:665 Wrote first record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:676 Wrote second record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:687 Wrote third record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:703 Backspaced over EOF OK.
btape: btape.c:708 Backspace record OK.
btape: btape.c:726
Block re-read correct. Test succeeded!
=== End Write, backup, and re-read test ===
=== Forward space files test ===
This test is essential to Bacula.
I'm going to write five files then test forward spacing
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c :465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1266 Now forward spacing 1 file.
We should be in file 1. I am at file 1. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:1278 Now forward spacing 2 files.
We sh ould be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1291 Now forward spacing 4 files.
We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:1309 Now forward spacing 1 more file.
We should be in file 5. I am at file 5. This is correct!
=== End Forward space files test ===
thanks for your help
*/Arno Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
On 3/29/2006 11:42 AM, david robert wrote:
> thanks for your reply.I am getting the following error in between
the jobs
> >
> > 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: NightlySave.2006-03-29_02.40.00 Error:
> > block.c:552 Write error at 8:1 on device /dev/nst0.
> > error.
This is the reason Bacula considers the tape full. You'll have to make
sure that your SCSI setup is working correct and that your hardware
is ok.
> > 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: NightlySave.2006-03-29_02.40.00 Error:
> > writing final EOF to tape. This tape may not be readable.
> > dev.c:1213 ioctl MTWEOF error on /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output
> > error.
> >
> > 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: End of medium on Volume "Tuesday"
> > Bytes=6,068,390,944 Blocks=94,068 at 29-Mar-2006 02:40.
> >
> > Here is my bacula-sd configuration
> > Device {
> > Name = DLT-VS160 #
> > Media Type = DLT
> > Archive Device = /dev/nst0
> > AutomaticMount = yes; # !! mount drive after job
> > Always Open = yes; # not unmount, via new bconsole
> > script (if console unmount)
> > RemovableMedia = yes;
> > RandomAccess = no;*> }
> *
> */Arno Lehmann /* wrote:
> ;
> Hello,
> On 3/29/2006 9:37 AM, david robert wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am running backup for 10 clients and my volume status is
> showing full
> > after running 3 or 5 jobs this is brand new tape and i don't know
> why it
> > is showing full in volume status and it is asking for next
volume to
> > mount.PLease some one help me why it is showing volume status
> full when
> > this is brand new tape.
> What does the llist command show you, regarding the volumes in
> question?
> Also, do you get a message telling you why the tape is full, i.e.
> end of
> tape detected, write error, or anything else?
> Arno
> > My pool setting are correct totally 11 jobs running
> >
> > Pool {
> > Name = SundayPool
> > Pool Type = Backup
> > #Rec ycle = yes
> > AutoPrune = yes
> > Recycle = yes
> > Accept Any Volume = yes
> > Maximum Volume Jobs = 11
> > VolumeRetention = 13d
> > Volume Use Duration = 13d
> > }
> >
> > I really need why my voulume status is showing full this is
> 80/160gb DLT
> > tape.
> >
> > thank you
> >
> > Yahoo! Cars
> >
> > NEW - sell your car and browse thousands of new and used cars
> > search now
> >
> >
> --
> IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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