thanks for your mail.I have tested with btape and the following is output before labelling i need to run this command  mt -f /dev/nst0 defblksize 0 this is essential or just recommended and my settings also seems to be correct in sd
btape -c /etc/bacula/bacula-sd.conf /dev/nst0
Tape block granularity is 1024 bytes.
btape: butil.c:258 Using device: "/dev/nst0" for writing.
btape: btape.c:335 open_dev /dev/nst0 OK
=== Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
and re-read the data to verify that it is correct.
This is an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:786 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:802 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:81 1 Rewind OK.
1000 blocks re-read correctly.
Got EOF on tape.
1000 blocks re-read correctly.
=== Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===

=== Write, rewind, and position test ===
I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
and position to a few blocks and verify that it is correct.
This is an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:898 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:914 Wrote 1000 blocks of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:923 Rewind OK.
Reposition to file:block 0:4
Block 5 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 0:200
Block 201 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 0:999
Block 1000 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:0
Block 1001 re-read correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:600
Block 1601 re-r ead correctly.
Reposition to file:block 1:999
Block 2000 re-read correctly.
=== Test Succeeded. End Write, rewind, and re-read test ===
=== Append files test ===
This test is essential to Bacula.
I'm going to write one record  in file 0,
                   two records in file 1,
             and three records in file 2
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:335 open_dev /dev/nst0 OK
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1052 Now moving to end of medium.
btape: btape.c:482 Moved to end of medium.
We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
Now the important part, I am going to attempt to append to the tape.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
Done appending, there should be no I/O errors
Doing Bacula scan of blocks:
1 block of 6 4448 bytes in file 1
End of File mark.
2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
End of File mark.
3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
End of File mark.
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
End of File mark.
Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
End scanning the tape.
We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
The above Bacula scan should have output identical to what follows.
Please double check it ...
=== Sample correct output ===
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 1
End of File mark.
2 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 2
End of File mark.
3 blocks of 64448 bytes in file 3
End of File mark.
1 block of 64448 bytes in file 4
End of File mark.
Total files=4, blocks=7, bytes = 451,136
=== End sample correct output ===
If the above scan output is not identical to the
sample output, you MUST correct the problem
or Bacula will not be able to write multiple Jobs to
the tape.

== = Write, backup, and re-read test ===
I'm going to write three records and an EOF
then backup over the EOF and re-read the last record.
Bacula does this after writing the last block on the
tape to verify that the block was written correctly.
This is not an *essential* feature ...
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:665 Wrote first record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:676 Wrote second record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:687 Wrote third record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:703 Backspaced over EOF OK.
btape: btape.c:708 Backspace record OK.
btape: btape.c:726
Block re-read correct. Test succeeded!
=== End Write, backup, and re-read test ===
=== Forward space files test ===
This test is essential to Bacula.
I'm going to write five files then test forward spacing
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1505 Wrote one record of 64412 bytes.
btape: btape.c:1507 Wrote block to device.
btape: btape.c:465 Wrote 1 EOF to /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1266 Now forward spacing 1 file.
We should be in file 1. I am at file 1. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:1278 Now forward spacing 2 files.
We should be in file 3. I am at file 3. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:435 Rewound /dev/nst0
btape: btape.c:1291 Now forward spacing 4 files.
We should be in file 4. I am at file 4. This is correct!
btape: btape.c:1309 Now forward spacing 1 more file.
We should be in file 5. I am at file 5. This is correct!
=== End Forward space files test ===

Dan Langille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 29 Mar 2006 at 9:33, david robert wrote:

> Hi Guys
> I am getting the following error in between the jobs
> 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: NightlySave.2006-03-29_02.40.00 Error:
> block.c:552 Write error at 8:1 on device /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output
> error.
> 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: NightlySave.2006-03-29_02.40.00 Error: Error
> writing final EOF to tape. This tape may not be readable.
> dev.c:1213 ioctl MTWEOF error on /dev/nst0. ERR=Input/output
> error.
> 29-Mar 02:40 backup-sd: End of medium on Volume "Tuesday"
> Bytes=6,068,390,944 Blocks=94,068 at 29-Mar-2006 02:40.
> Here is my bacula-sd configuration
> Device {
> Name = DLT-VS160 #
> Media Type = DLT
> Archive Device = /dev/nst0
> AutomaticMount = yes; # !! mount drive after job
> Always Open = yes; # not unmount, via new bconsole
> script (if console unmount)
> RemovableMedia = yes;
> RandomAccess = no;> }

Did you test your tape drive using btape? Are you using the setting
suggested by that test?

Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume:

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