RAID5 is best with a hot spare volume, otherwise...what's the advantage
that justifies increased write overhead?

Besides, does the file system you're backing up to require any more
redundancy from a disk technology standpoint than you might expect out
of the life expectancy of a single DLT tape?

Consider this, if you present these individual disks as 250? 300? gig
individual volumes / file system mount points to Bacula, you *can't*
tell Bacula to put each "file tape" on a different mount point and/or

I've discussed this in the past and what that would require is the
concept of a "File Storage Directory Prefix", i.e:

/dev/da0s1a /storage/bacula/Daily0
/dev/da1s1a /storage/bacula/Daily1
/dev/da2s1a /storage/bacula/Daily2


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