On Monday 20 March 2006 11:10, Alan Brown wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Mar 2006, Wolfgang Denk wrote:
> > Most critical options are:  MT_ST_BUFFER_WRITES,  MT_ST_ASYNC_WRITES,
> > MT_ST_READ_AHEAD.  Especially  the combination of MT_ST_BUFFER_WRITES
> > and MT_ST_ASYNC_WRITES prevents any way to  reliably  handle  end  of
> > tape conditions.
> I thought Bacula tried to workaround this by backspacing and then reading
> the last few blocks to see what got sucessfully written.

Unfortunately, what Bacula does (as you point out) is not exactly a 
workaround, but rather an attempt to verify afterwards, and there are a lot 
of drives that do not support a backspace record, so there are cases where 
Bacula cannot verify.

Buffering writes can cause the tape drive to lag behind what Bacula writes and 
thus possibly overrun the end of the tape; async write means that Bacula 
might not know about an I/O error until *much* later, which is a catastrophic 
situation for backup.

Read ahead shouldn't be a big problem providing that the SCSI drive is 
sufficiently intelligent to handle exceptions ...

> I have not had problems on our setup (yet), but I need to know if there's
> a risk....
> AB
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