I read it. I thought it was written very well, though you did spell
"considered" wrong.

Thank You

At this point I'd also welcome some indication that anyone has even read 



>From: "David Thurston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
>Subject: [Bacula-users] RAID or What?
>Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 02:08:36 -0700
>I have a 4 Drive, Hot Swappable, External SATA Enclosure with 1+ Tb of 
>My goal is to be able to rotate drives off-site and just plug in
>(recycle) new drives for on-site backup like very big tapes.
>I can set it up RAID 5 so that I get parity and hotswap rebuild via the 
>setup, but that doesn't allow for moving data off site.
>Is there some way to use this new feature (Virtual Disk Autochanger) or 
>some other way to treat the individual drives as really big removable 
>Is there some other way I haven't concidered?
>I know that Kern was working on something for hot swap drives from 
>reviewing posts in the archive over the last few months.
>Has anyone crossed this bridge yet?
>All hand holding welcome ;)

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