Why have a limit at all? Mine are limited because I want exactly one set of jobs on the tape for a bi-weekly full. If you don't care, setting a limit is just asking for it down the line.

david robert wrote:
thanks arno spot on answer my Maximum Volume Jobs option set to 3 in pool options that is why it is giving the error so now i have increased to 15 and it should work now

*/Arno Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:


    On 3/15/2006 10:11 AM, david robert wrote:
    > Hi,
    > I ma running 10 jobs in bacula this is giving me a lot of
    > have inserted the correct tape with the correct labelled one.Two or
    > three jobs will run properly and this is giving the error
    > * NightlySave.2006-03-15_03.10.00 is waiting for an appendable
    > **
    > this could be because of the volume status is showing used after
    > 2 or 3 jobs.

    That's most probably the reason.

    Did you perhaps set up the volume or the pool with a limit in
    jobs, or use time?

    > I have scheduled between each job is 30min gap. I am not sure
    why it is
    > not finishing all the jobs and it is giving the above error.
    > I think i need some good bacula expert advise on this

    Perhaps... reviewing your pool options and re-reading the
    manual chapter might help, too :-)


    > Thank you guys
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-- IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de

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