Dan Langille a écrit :
> On 8 Mar 2006 at 10:25, Baptiste Malguy wrote:
>>Hello People,
>>Does anyone know something about compression issue I meet ?
>>Baptiste Malguy a écrit :
>>>I definitly want to use compression for backups on disk.
>>>It works pretty well, except for:
>>>- FIFOs
>>>- Windows clients.
>>>I haven't seen any information about this specific cases.
>>>Here comes a part of the configuration in the case you see anything wrong.
>>>The "full" FileSet has a good compression rate, while the "mysql-dump"
>>>FileSet report as the following:
>>>  Software Compression:   None
>>>FileSet {
>>>  Name = full
>>>  Include {
>>>    @/etc/bacula/bacula-dir-fileset-common-include-options.conf
>>>    File = /
>>>  }
>>>  Exclude {
>>>    @/etc/bacula/bacula-dir-fileset-linux-exclude-files.conf
>>>  }
>>>FileSet {
>>>  Name = mysql-dump
>>>  Include {
>>>    @/etc/bacula/bacula-dir-fileset-common-include-options.conf
>>>    Options { readfifo = yes }
>>>    File = /tmp/bacula-mysql-fifo
>>>  }
> The above Include has two Options sections.  Perhaps that is the 
> issue. If you have only one, what happens?  Also, what happens if you 
> don't use @?
>>>FileSet {
>>>  Name = windows-file-set
>>>  Include {
>>>    @/etc/bacula/bacula-dir-fileset-common-include-options.conf
>>>    @/etc/bacula/bacula-dir-fileset-windows-include-options.conf
>>>    File = c:/
>>>  }
>>>  Exclude {
>>>  }

Thank you for your idea Dan, it looks a good way.

Here is a more simple example to catch the problem easier:

FileSet {
  Name = server-test
  Include {
        Options {
                onefs = no
        Options {
                signature = MD5
                compression = GZIP
                fstype = ext2
  Exclude {

With this example, I have compression. If I set the second Options
section in first position, I don't.

I made a similar test with attribute "fstype = ext2" (The server is a
Windows machine with NTFS).
- With the attribute in first Options section, files are backed up
(wrong behavious).
- With the attribute in second Options section, files are _not_ backed
up (good behavious).

From http://www.bacula.org/dev-manual/Configuring_Director.html :

"The Include resource may also contain one or more Options resources [...]"

So is a bug or did I miss something else where ?

Baptiste MALGUY - IT Engineer                               SOLSOFT
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