
I have released the source tar file bacula-1.38.6-beta3-20060304.tar.gz to the 
bacula-beta section of Source Forge.  This beta release has several new 
features as well as a number of bug fixes.  It has successfully run the disk 
based regression scripts on Linux against SQLite (2.somthing), MySQL 4.1.16, 
and PostgreSQL 8.0.7.  However, the dual drive virtual disk autochanger 
script failed (blocked waiting for media) when running on PostgreSQL.  I will 
look into this problem in the next few days.  Since I have no tape device on 
my laptop, I have not run the tape based regression scripts, so you should 
test carefully.

I include the relevant part of the ReleaseNotes below.  Please read the full 
release notes to see *all* the changes since version 1.38.5.

Feedback on how this works would be appreciated ...

Best regards, Kern

          Release Notes for Bacula 1.38.6-beta3

  Bacula code: Total files = 418 Total lines = 136,328 (*.h *.c *.in)
      20,440 additional lines of code since version 1.36.3

New features:
- For autochanger get Scratch tape if in autochanger if
  no appendable Volumes are available.
- New virtual disk autochanger.  See scripts/disk-changer for
- New optional Device resource directive in SD.  'Device Type =',
  which may have types: File, DVD, Tape, or FIFO.  This can
  be useful for writing DVDs on FreeBSD where Bacula cannot
  correctly detect the DVD.
- Faster restore tree building and uses less memory.
- The command line keyword job (or jobname) now refers to the
  name of the job specified in the Job resource; jobid refers
  as before to the non-unique numeric jobid; and ujobid refers
  to the unique job identification that Bacula creates for each
- The job report for Backups has a few more user friendly ways
  of displaying the information.
- The wait command can now be made to wait for jobids.
- New command line keywords are permitted in update volume. They
  are Inchanger=yes/no, slot=nn.

Major bug fixes:
- Fix race condition in multiple-drive autochangers where
  both drives want the same Volume.
- Do not allow opening default catalog for restricted console
  if it is not in ACL.
- Writable FIFOs now work for restore.
- ACLs are now checked in all dot commands.
- Multiple drive autochangers and multiple different autochangers
  should now work correctly (no race conditions for Volume names,
  update slots use correct StorageId).
- Fix bug where drive was always reserved if a restore job failed
  while in the reservation process.

Minor bug fixes:
- See below:

Release 1.38.6 beta3 4Mar06
- The po files should now be current.
- Fix new sql_use_result() code to properly release the
  buffers in all cases.
- Convert to using new Python class definitons with (object).
- Use the keyword ujobid to mean the unique job id; job or jobname
  to mean the Job name given on the Name directive, and jobid to
  be the numeric (non-unique) job id.
- Allow listing by any of the above.
- Add the user friendly job report code for reporting job elapsed time
  and rates with suffexes.
- Add Priority and JobLevel as Python settable items.
- Use TEMPORARY table creation where the table is created by
- Add new code submitted by Eric for waiting on specific jobid.
- Add ACL checking for the dot commands.
- Fix restore of writable FIFOs.
- Fix a bug in bpipe where the string was freed too early.

- Fix bug reported by Arno listing blocks with bls
- Update the po files at Eric's request.

Release 1.38.6-beta2 25Feb06
- Add sql_use_result() define.

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