Today I started playing with Wild options.  The goal: backup the 
webserver logs in /usr/websites/log.  My log rotate each night.  So 
yesterday's log is:

I didn't want to backup everything in that directory, just files 
ending in 0.  Here is what I found worked:

  Include {
     Options {
        signature = MD5
        WildFile  = "*.0"

     Options {
        Exclude  = yes
        WildFile = "*"

     File = /usr/websites/log

I got my first hint from :

But they use a regex:

FileSet {
  Name = "Full Set"
  Include {
     Options {
        wildfile = "*.Z"
        wildfile = "*.gz"
     Options {
        Exclude = yes
        RegexFile = "^.?*$"
     File = /myfile

In my case, there are no subdirectories.  And it works....


Dan Langille : Software Developer looking for work
my resume:

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