
Anyone willing to advise me for my specific issue please ? For the
moment, I hold on blocked by this problem, unfortunately, and I would
appreciate so much some help.

Thanks guys.

Baptiste Malguy a écrit :
> Hello,
> I have a question related to cloning jobs.
> I've just re-read my mail before pushing the "Send" button, and ... a
> little long I'm afraid.
> I want to write my full backups on two different storages (disk + DLT4).
> To achieve this goal, I use the Run attribute of the Job resource,
> providing the same job name: that's job cloning.
> The job is normally an incremental one, that becomes a full one once a
> month thanks to the corresponding schedule.
> Only the monthly full backups have to go on the tapes. Not the
> incremental ones neither the potential full ones that may occur because
> FileSet resource has been modified.
> And that's the point: how to avoid these random full backups to go on
> the tape, that is, how to prevent the original job (writing to disk) to
> clone itself (to write on tape).
> I thought about using Run Before Job attribute, to prevent the cloned
> job to work returning a non-zero value, but I don't know what to provide
> to the run command to let it know to return 0 or non-zero.
> The command needs:
>  - "I'm a clone" or "I'm writing to tapes"
>  - and "I'm a full backup"
>  - and "current date" (because of random full backups)
> I can't provide to the command, as long as I know, "I'm a clone" neither
> "I'm writing to tapes".
> Here are some pieces of the setup:
> Job {
>   Name = server-test
>   Write Bootstrap = /var/lib/bacula/server-test.bsr
>   JobDefs = default
>   FileSet = server-test
>   Client = server-fd
>   Run = "server-test-etc level=\"%l\" since=\"%s\" pool=cart-month
> storage=dlt-storage"
>   Type = Backup
>   Storage = file-storage
>   Messages = standard
>   Priority = 10
>   Pool = file-full
> }
> Schedule {
>   Name = weekly-cycle
>   Run = Full Pool=file-full 1st sat at 1:05
>   Run = Differential Pool=file-diff 2nd-5th sat at 1:05
>   Run = Incremental Pool=file-inc sun-fri at 1:05
> }
> JobDefs {
>   Name = default
>   Type = Backup
>   Level = Incremental
>   FileSet = full
>   Schedule = weekly-cycle
>   Storage = file-storage
>   Messages = standard
>   Priority = 10
>   Pool = default
> }
> I've added this to see what I obtain:
>   RunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/cloned-inc-not-on-tape \"%c\"
> \"%d\" \"%i\" \"%e\" \"%j\" \"%l\" \"%n\" \"%t\" \"%v\""
> And the command line is something like:
> $1="server-fd"
> $2=""
> $3="634"
> $4="Unknown term code"
> $5="server-test-etc.2006-02-22_11.30.31"
> $6="Full"
> $7="Backup"
> $8="Backup"
> $9=""
>>From this point, hoping I've been clear enought (not sure), does anyone
> has an idea ?
> Bye the way, I use Bacula 1.38.3. I'm looking forward for the project
> item #2 "Implement Migration that moves Jobs from one Pool to
> another".
> Thank you and keep on improving this great software !

Baptiste MALGUY - IT Engineer                               SOLSOFT
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