On 2/24/2006 4:28 AM, Ross Boylan wrote:
On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 12:06:12PM +0100, Arno Lehmann wrote:
On 2/23/2006 8:19 AM, Ross Boylan wrote:
22-Feb 02:22 wheat-dir: MSD.2006-02-22_01.05.03 Error: Catalog error
updating Media record. sql_update.c:327 update UPDATE Media SET
VolJobs=0,VolFiles=0,VolBlocks=0,VolBytes=0,VolMounts=0,VolErrors=0,VolWrites=1,MaxVolBytes=681574400,LastWritten='2006-02-22 02:22:39',VolStatus='',Slot=0,InChanger=0,VolReadTime=0,VolWriteTime=0 WHERE VolumeName='Inc2006-02-22_0198' failed:
Trying to insert an empty string for VolStatus might be a bug.
I'd report this as a bug.
You mean in bacula, or postgres?
Bacula, because I assume that what is reported is what the DIR sends to
the database, and I think it shouldn't send an empty VolStatus.
So the problem might be that when the write fails, bacula tries to
record an illegal VolStatus?
Or could this be postgres getting weird, e.g., losing the volstatus
info, when it runs out of room?
I don't know PostgreSQL good enough to really answer this, but I think
this is very unlikely. pgSQL probably does lots of its work in memory,
or at least I think it should :-)
IT-Service Lehmann [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann http://www.its-lehmann.de
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