Hi Ger!

     I run Fedora Core 4.  I compiled Bacula from the source.

     Here is my current config.out:

Configuration on Tue Oct 11 22:18:22 EDT 2005:

  Host:                       i686-redhat-linux-gnu -- redhat (Stentz)
  Bacula version:             1.36.3 (22 April 2005)
  Source code location:       .
  Install binaries:           /home/bacula/bin
  Install config files:       /home/bacula/bin
  Scripts directory:          /home/bacula/bin
  Working directory:          /var/bacula/working
  PID directory:              /var/run
  Subsys directory:           /var/run/subsys
  C Compiler:                 gcc 4.0.0
  C++ Compiler:               g++ 4.0.0
  Compiler flags:              -g -O2 -Wall
  Linker flags:                
  Libraries:                  -lpthread 
  Statically Linked Tools:    no
  Statically Linked FD:       no
  Statically Linked SD:       no
  Statically Linked DIR:      no
  Statically Linked CONS:     no
  Database type:              MySQL
  Database lib:               -L/usr/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz

  Job Output Email:           barry
  Traceback Email:            barry
  SMTP Host Address:          localhost

  Director Port:              9101
  File daemon Port:           9102
  Storage daemon Port:        9103

  Director User:              
  Director Group:             
  Storage Daemon User:        
  Storage DaemonGroup:        
  File Daemon User:           
  File Daemon Group:          

  SQL binaries Directory      /usr/bin

  Large file support:         yes
  Bacula conio support:       yes -ltermcap
  readline support:           no 
  TCP Wrappers support:       no
  ZLIB support:               yes
  enable-smartalloc:          yes
  enable-gnome:               yes Version 2.x
  enable-wx-console:          no
  enable-tray-monitor:        yes
  client-only:                no
  ACL support:                yes

     In mid-January, I did a *major* revamp of my three daemon
configuration files.  (I now have two separate/independent USB external
hard disks holding my backup data, and my situation is I should be able to
restore from "either disk" -- in case something happens to one or the
other.  So, a full backup gets made to both disks on the first day [from
my once a week backup schedule] of the month, with differentials
thereafter, for the rest of the month.  It's working GREAT!)

     Probably in the next couple of weeks or so, I am going to get the
latest source, because I do want to enable something I didn't enable the
first time.  I didn't enable wx-console when I compiled it, before.  (See
above.)  I do want that, because I'm going to want to run something in my 
GNOME desktop to monitor the status of the bacula daemons.  Since I'll be
recompiling, anyway, I'll likely get the latest release.

     And, I am going to need to burn a bacula rescue CD, which I have not
done yet.

     In any event, though, it works -- great!

     I hope that helps.


Barry L. Bond                     | http://home.cfl.rr.com/os9barry/
Software Engineer, ITT Industries | (My personal home web page, last
                                  | updated February 17, 2005)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <- personal      |  Re-Vita Products:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] <- Work ONLY   |  http://www.re-vita.net/barrybond
                                  |  Re-Vita Distributor Information
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