Using Bacula 1.38.5 (upgraded from 1.38.0), my jobs became finishing with "Fatal Error" after waiting some time for a new mount volume. Does anybody knows if "Max Wait Time" at job resorce resolve the problem?
Here is part of my /var/bacula/log file:
Diogo Rocha.
13-Fev 16:54 en2-sd: Please mount Volume "BF0102" on Storage Device "DLTDrive" (/dev/nst0) for Job Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006
13-Fev 16:54 en2-sd: Please mount Volume "BF0401" on Storage Device "DLTDrive" (/dev/nst0) for Job Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17
Warning: Director wanted Volume "BF0401".
Current Volume "BF0102" not acceptable because:
1998 Volume "BF0102" status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or Recycle.
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd: Please mount Volume "BF0102" on Storage Device "DLTDrive" (/dev/nst0) for Job
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd: Please mount Volume "BF0401" on Storage Device "DLTDrive" (/dev/nst0) for Job Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Fatal error: Too many tries: Wrong Volume mounted on device "D
LTDrive" (/dev/nst0): Wanted BF0401 have BF0102
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Fatal error: spool.c:249 Fatal append error on device "DLTDriv
e" (/dev/nst0): ERR=
13-Fev 16:55 en2-sd:
Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Fatal error: append.c:207 Fatal append error on device "DLTDri
ve" (/dev/nst0): ERR=
13-Fev 17:00 crjow02s02-fd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Fatal error: c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\fil
ed\../../filed/backup.c:500 Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error
13-Fev 17:00 crjow02s02-fd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Error: c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../..
/lib/bnet.c:393 Write error sending len to Storage daemon: ERR=Input/output error
13-Fev 17:00 crjow02s02-fd: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Error: c:\cygwin\home\kern\bacula\k\src\win32\lib\../..
/lib/bnet.c:257 Read error from Storage daemon: ERR=Broken pipe
13-Fev 16:57 en2-dir: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17 Error: Bacula 1.38.5 (18Jan06): 13-Fev-2006 16:57:16
JobId: 808
Job: Crjow02s02-Backup-Full.2006-02-13_10.12.17
Backup Level: Full
Client: "crjow02s02-fd" Windows 2000,MVS,NT 5.0.2195
FileSet: "crjow02s02-lista-arquivos" 2005-11-25 14:28:36
Pool: "PoolFull"
Storage: "Storage-DLT"
Scheduled time: 13-Fev-2006 10:12:14
Start time: 13-Fev-2006 15:16:58
End time: 13-Fev-2006 16:57:16
Priority: 15
FD Files Written: 32,302
SD Files Written: 32,302
FD Bytes Written: 4,283,707,096
SD Bytes Written: 4,289,647,349
Rate: 711,8 KB/s
Software Compression: None
Volume name(s): BF0102
Volume Session Id: 10
Volume Session Time: 1139827314