I'm going to check out those leads tonight and let you know how it goes.
-- Wyness
On 1/30/06,
Message: 1
From: "Andreas Freyvogel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net >
Subject: RE: [Bacula-users] VXA-2 Autochanger not correctly changing tapes (FBSD 6.0-REL, Bacula 1.38.5)
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 16:04:59 -0800
We were having exactly this problem on our autochanger, running on FreeBSD
5.4. Check your changer command line and ensure you are using the correct
%S is for base 0 slots and %s is for base 1. I had to go with base 1 even
though ours is a base 0 and then modify the chio-bacula script accordingly.
Andreas Freyvogel |
System Administrator | "To do is to be." -- Plato
Uniserve Communications Corp. | "To be is to do." -- Kant
direct: 604.647.0602 |
cell: 604.308.2497 | "Do be do be do." -- Sinatra
Fax: 604-687-8130 |
-----Original Message-----
[mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Wyness Casama
Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 3:35 PM
To: bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [Bacula-users] VXA-2 Autochanger not correctly changing tapes (FBSD
6.0-REL, Bacula 1.38.5)
Hello all,
I have recently set up a new dedicated backup system using Bacula 1.38.5
from the FreeBSD ports collection along with MTX 1.2.17rel. Attached via
SCSI is an Exabyte VXA-2 unit which includes a 10-tape autochanger.
Previously, I had the system set up on a FBSD 4.9-REL system running Bacula
1.36.3 and MTX 1.2.17rel without issue.
Currently, I am having troubles with the autochanger in the new system. What
happens is that bacula will issue a 'loaded' command to check what tape is
in the drive. If the tape is incorrect, Bacula appears to instruct
mtx-changer to unload the tape and then check what tape is loaded into the
drive of the VXA-2. At this time, it appears to detect that the tape drive
is empty and then the job fails instead of it loading the required tape.
If the correct tape is loaded, the job continues and writes to the tape
normally indicating to me that the access rights are fine. Also, the fact
that mtx-changer is able to instruct /dev/pass0 (changer device) to eject
the tape and check what tape is in the drive also indicates to me that the
access privileges are fine.
What I am seeing when I enable the debugging messages within the mtx-changer
script are:
-----------mtx-changer debug output-----------
20060130-13:54:28 Parms: /dev/pass0 loaded 0 /dev/nsa0 0
20060130-13:54:28 Doing mtx -f /dev/pass0 0 -- to find what is loaded
20060130-14:30:02 Parms: /dev/pass0 loaded 0 /dev/nsa0 0
20060130-14:30:02 Doing mtx -f /dev/pass0 0 -- to find what is loaded
This, along with the failure report, indicates to me that when the drive is
empty bacula appears to abort the load of the correct tape and escapes with
an error as indicated in the following log clipping:
----------Director Job Failure Report------------
30-Jan 12:54 backup.sutton.com: Start Backup JobId 9318,
Job= misc.2006-01-30_12.54.16
30-Jan 12:54 misc: DIR and FD clocks differ by 2 seconds, FD automatically
30-Jan 12:54 backup.sutton.com-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0"
30-Jan 12:54 backup.sutton.com-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0", result
is Slot 1.
30-Jan 12:54 backup.sutton.com-sd : 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 1,
drive 0" command.
30-Jan 12:55 backup.sutton.com-sd: 3301 Issuing autochanger "loaded drive 0"
30-Jan 12:55 backup.sutton.com-sd: 3302 Autochanger "loaded drive 0",
result: nothing loaded.
30-Jan 12:55 backup.sutton.com-sd : misc.2006-01-30_12.54.16 Fatal error:
dev.c:362 dev.c:356 Unable to open device "VXA-2" (/dev/nsa0): ERR=Device
not configured
30-Jan 12:55 backup.sutton.com-sd: misc.2006-01-30_12.54.16 Fatal error:
device.c:296 Unable to open device "VXA-2" (/dev/nsa0): ERR=dev.c:356 Unable
to open device "VXA-2" (/dev/nsa0): ERR=Device not configured
30-Jan 12:55 misc: misc.2006-01-30_12.54.16 Fatal error: job.c:1602 Bad
response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3903 Error append data
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks to me that when Bacula issues the
command to check what's loaded. MTX reports there's nothing in the drive
and then Bacula somehow decides to abort loading the correct slot/tape. It
then tries something else then encounters the generic "/dev/nsa0 - Device
not configured" error because there's no tape in the drive. MTX reports back
an errorlevel other than 0 then Bacula aborts the job with a fatal error.
I have included a portion of my bacula-sd.conf file that pertains to the
device(s) that are involved.
-----------------bacula-sd.conf device definition-----------------
Device {
Name = VXA-2
Description = "VXA-2 for FreeBSD"
Media Type = VXA-2
Archive Device = /dev/nsa0
AutomaticMount = yes # when device opened, read it
AlwaysOpen = yes
Offline On Unmount = no
Hardware End of Medium = no
BSF at EOM = yes
Backward Space Record = no
Fast Forward Space File = no
TWO EOF = yes
Changer Command = "/usr/local/sbin/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Autochanger = yes
Changer Device = /dev/pass0
Spool Directory = "/var/holding/bacula"
Removable Media = yes
This configuration worked with my previous setup (bacula 1.36.3,
mtx1.2.17rel). Is there something I may have missed that could get my
autochanger working again? Right now I'm feeling a little lost as the
mtx-changer script appears to be the same across the previous and current
configurations. The version numbers for MTX are the same. All I can guess is
that there's either something wrong w/ my Bacula configuration or something
else happening within Bacula that I may not have noticed.
-- Wyness
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