Hi Kern!

On Sat, Jan 14, 2006 at 11:16:22AM +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> It is nice to hear this kind of enthousiasm and success !

     It was great just to finally figure this out!  :-O  I mean, I did
understand, after I tried it, that bacula could not be expected to deal
with two different disk devices on the same pathlist!

     So, it was absolutely mandatory that I get them mounted to different
pathlists.  I know I have ridiculously little time (at home) to deal with
this, right now, but in two to three weeks, I sure wasn't successful!
That's one of the reasons I was considering not using bacula right now.

     Here was a very important point:  I didn't know about the
hal-device-manager!  In the Fedora Forum, in doing the equivalent of
"googling" within the forums there, I found an article where the man said
something like I haven't found much documentation on hald.  But, he said
one web site was good.  I went there.  It is good.  It is a 48-page
manual, and the information there finally allowed me to make progress!

     And, when I ran hal-device-manager, I was able to see *exactly* what
my USB devices were reporting!  And, it did not match what I had been
seeing with lsusb -v!  (But, lsusb was the *only* command I knew before.)
I had asked Josh, I believe, how could I be certain that what I was seeing
in the lsusb output matched things like
block.storage_device:storage.vendor and
block.storage_device:storage.model?  Those exact strings are shown in the
hal-device-manager, when the USB device is turned on!  Seeing that, my
placing the appropriate things in the two above fields matched on the
first try, for both disks!  :-)

     So, I consider this problem now solved.  And, in the remaining time I
have to give it, this weekend, I'll make changes to my bacula
configuration files.

> Please when you get it going to your satisfaction, send us the details. I am 
> sure there a lot of users who would like to accomplish the same thing.

     Thank you for being the kind of person/programmer who desires
information from people using your software that will allow you to improve
the software and/or documentation!  I will!

> I'm still concerned about how Bacula is going to deal with directories and 
> volumes that "disappear".  In any case, I have my two little 2GB USB devices, 
> and I am going to work over the next months on making Bacula understand what 
> a USB device is and to deal with it in a more reasonable way.  To do this, I 
> think there are more than sufficient directives in the Device resource in the 
> SD, with one exception -- most likely I need to add a "Device Type = xxx" 
> directive which could have values such as "Tape, File, DVD, USB, FIFO, ..."
> Bacula currently "guesses" at what the device type is, and in most cases, it 
> gets it right, but USB vs DVD is not so easy, and on FreeBSD there is no 
> distinction between character devices and block devices.  

     Well... bacula does okay right now with pathlists that disappear...


     Yep!  Guess what?  Last night, I edited the bacula-sd.conf file and
changed "/media/usbdisk" to "/media/simpletech" -- since the SimpleTech
drive was the one I had turned on to do Saturday morning's backup.

     Then, I was so beyond exhausted, I went to bed.

     Well... er.... <sigh>... "DUHHH"... I forgot to restart the bacula
daemons!  :-(  So, guess what I see this morning?  YEP!  Here's an

14-Jan 01:05 barrycon-dir: Start Backup JobId 67,
14-Jan 01:05 barrycon-dir: Created new Volume "Diff-2006-1-14-1-5-5" in
14-Jan 01:05 barrycon-sd: barrycon.2006-01-14_01.05.01 Fatal error:
device.c:317 Unable to open device /media/usbdisk. ERR=dev.c:340 Could not
open: /media/usbdisk/Diff-2006-1-14-1-5-5, ERR=No such file or directory

14-Jan 01:05 barrycon-fd: barrycon.2006-01-14_01.05.01 Fatal error:
job.c:1665 Bad response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000 OK data
, got 3903 Error append data

14-Jan 01:05 barrycon-dir: barrycon.2006-01-14_01.05.01 Error: Bacula
1.36.3 (22Apr05): 14-Jan-2006 01:05:05
  JobId:                  67
  Job:                    barrycon.2006-01-14_01.05.01
  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2005-12-06 01:05:03
  Client:                 barrycon-fd
  FileSet:                "Full Set" 2005-10-22 01:05:04
  Pool:                   "Diff-Pool"
  Storage:                "Files"
  Start time:             14-Jan-2006 01:05:03
  End time:               14-Jan-2006 01:05:05
  FD Files Written:       0
  SD Files Written:       0
  FD Bytes Written:       0
  SD Bytes Written:       0
  Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         
  Volume Session Id:      5
  Volume Session Time:    1136764241
  Last Volume Bytes:      0
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Error
  SD termination status:  Error
  Termination: *** Backup Error ***

     Gee!  It was trying to use /media/usbdisk.  It said no such file or
directory.  This is great, in terms of that what I want bacula to do if
the drive isn't online, because I don't want the backup to be on the same
partition as my file system.  So, I'm happy enough with bacula here, in
terms of a good reaction to the pathlist not being present.

     I just need to remember to restart the daemons!  <sigh>  :-)

     Well, now I'm planning on having the bacula daemons in place by the
beginning of February, and we'll see what my full on Saturday to the
SimpleTech/full on Tuesday to the Western Digital, differential other
Saturdays/Tuesdays does in February.

     Thank you again!


Barry L. Bond                     | http://home.cfl.rr.com/os9barry/
Software Engineer, ITT Industries | (My personal home web page, last
                                  | updated February 17, 2005)
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