Below is the end of log of Bacula 1.38.3 (release, not beta), running on
up-to-date FC4 with mysql 4. Tape drive is Exabyte VXA-2.

This happened after the tape got full, and job was supposed to be cancelled
nicely after Max Wait Time, but something went wrong.
Director conf had these timeouts:
  Max Start Delay = 7200
  Max Run Time = 7100
  Max Wait Time = 900

I just added the timeouts to the conf yesterday and intentionally wanted to
see the tape getting full. The crash was during the first backup thereafter.
So, I really don't know if this was related to tape getting full, the new
settings above (no other changes to previous conf), or just because
of the position of the moon and the stars in the sky (ie. something not

Is this something well-known, or should I provide more accurate
information and file a formal report?

(some newlines added to enhance readability with wrapped lines:)

dogbert-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into /misc
dogbert-fd:      Filesystem change prohibited. Will not descend into

12-Jan 01:15 dogbert-sd: End of Volume "Tape03" at 48:14795 on device
  "Exabyte" (/dev/nst0). Write of 64512 bytes got -1.

12-Jan 01:16 dogbert-sd: Re-read of last block succeeded.
12-Jan 01:16 dogbert-sd: End of medium on Volume "Tape03"
Bytes=40,673,819,529 Blocks=630,492 at 12-Jan-2006 01:16.

12-Jan 01:18 dogbert-dir: Max configured use duration exceeded. Marking
Volume "Tape02" as Used.

12-Jan 01:18 dogbert-dir: Recycled volume "Tape04"
12-Jan 01:18 dogbert-sd: Please mount Volume "Tape04" on Storage Device
"Exabyte" (/dev/nst0) for Job

12-Jan 01:19 dogbert-sd: Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00

Warning: Director wanted Volume "Tape04".
    Current Volume "Tape03" not acceptable because:
    1998 Volume "Tape03" status is Full, but should be Append, Purged or

12-Jan 01:19 dogbert-sd: Please mount Volume "Tape04" on Storage Device
"Exabyte" (/dev/nst0) for Job

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-fd: Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00 Fatal
error: backup.c:500 Network send error to SD. ERR=Input/output error

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-sd: Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00 Fatal
error: append.c:207 Fatal append error on device "Exabyte" (/dev/nst0): ERR=

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-sd: Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00 Fatal
error: append.c:245 Network error on data channel. ERR=Connection reset by

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-dir: Bacula 1.38.3 (04Jan06): 12-Jan-2006 01:20:15
  JobId:                  235
  Job:                    Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00
  Backup Level:           Differential, since=2006-01-06 01:05:02
  Client:                 "dogbert-fd" i686-redhat-linux-gnu,redhat,(Stentz)
  FileSet:                "Full Set -Dogbert" 2005-10-22 01:05:02
  Pool:                   "Default"
  Storage:                "Exabyte"
  Scheduled time:         12-Jan-2006 01:05:00
  Start time:             12-Jan-2006 01:05:02
  End time:               12-Jan-2006 01:20:15
  Priority:               10
  FD Files Written:       17,279
  SD Files Written:       17,278
  FD Bytes Written:       2,949,042,844
  SD Bytes Written:       2,951,077,310
  Rate:                   3230.1 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         Tape03
  Volume Session Id:      9
  Volume Session Time:    1136660183
  Last Volume Bytes:      1
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  Canceled
  SD termination status:  Canceled
  Termination:            Backup Canceled

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-dir: 2001 Job
Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00 marked to be canceled.

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-dir: 3000 Job
Nightly_Backup_-Dogbert.2006-01-12_01.05.00 marked to be canceled.

12-Jan 01:20 dogbert-dir: Fatal Error because: Bacula interrupted by signal
11: Segmentation violation


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