Hi all,

can anyone give me any insight as to why I'm seeing Volume pruning
taking so long?  I'm running bacula-mysql-1.36.3-1 on White Box
Enterprise Linux release 4 (effectively RHEL4). Is something messed up
in my Pool definitions?

My Full backup kicks off and I see the following...

07-Jan 00:17 archive: Start Backup JobId 1401, Job=webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00
07-Jan 00:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
07-Jan 00:17 archive: Job webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      FileStorage
    Media type:   File
    Pool:         webdev1-full
07-Jan 01:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
07-Jan 01:17 archive: Job webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      FileStorage
    Media type:   File
    Pool:         webdev1-full
07-Jan 03:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
07-Jan 03:17 archive: Job webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      FileStorage
    Media type:   File
    Pool:         webdev1-full
07-Jan 07:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
07-Jan 07:17 archive: Job webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      FileStorage
    Media type:   File
    Pool:         webdev1-full
07-Jan 15:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
07-Jan 15:17 archive: Job webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00 waiting. Cannot
find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      FileStorage
    Media type:   File
    Pool:         webdev1-full
08-Jan 07:17 archive: Pruned 1 Job on Volume "webdev1-full-0002" from catalog.
08-Jan 07:17 archive: Pruning oldest volume "webdev1-full-0002"
08-Jan 07:17 archive: There are no Jobs associated with Volume
"webdev1-full-0002". Marking it purged.
08-Jan 07:17 archive: Labeled new Volume "webdev1-full-0002" on device
08-Jan 07:17 archive: Wrote label to prelabeled Volume
"webdev1-full-0002" on device "/mnt/backup/"
08-Jan 07:51 archive: Max Volume jobs exceeded. Marking Volume
"webdev1-full-0002" as Used.
08-Jan 07:51 archive: Bacula 1.36.3 (22Apr05): 08-Jan-2006 07:51:50
  JobId:                  1401
  Job:                    webdev1.2006-01-07_00.17.00
  Backup Level:           Full
  Client:                 webdev1
  FileSet:                "webdev1" j7+QK/oLm9+hd6UyH+QDPD
  Pool:                   "webdev1-full"
  Storage:                "File"
  Start time:             07-Jan-2006 00:17:02
  End time:               08-Jan-2006 07:51:50
  FD Files Written:       138,837
  SD Files Written:       138,837
  FD Bytes Written:       18,168,434,714
  SD Bytes Written:       18,187,284,893
  Rate:                   159.8 KB/s
  Software Compression:   None
  Volume name(s):         webdev1-full-0002
  Volume Session Id:      2
  Volume Session Time:    1136557424
  Last Volume Bytes:      18,208,429,346
  Non-fatal FD errors:    0
  SD Errors:              0
  FD termination status:  OK
  SD termination status:  OK
  Termination:            Backup OK

08-Jan 07:51 archive: Begin pruning Jobs.
08-Jan 07:51 archive: No Jobs found to prune.
08-Jan 07:51 archive: Begin pruning Files.
08-Jan 07:51 archive: Pruned 1,952 Files from 1 Jobs for client
webdev1 from catalog.
08-Jan 07:51 archive: End auto prune.


The I use a generic config for all hosts which looks as follows...


# $Id: webdev1.conf,v 1.8 2006/01/06 10:22:16 root Exp $
# Bacula Job, Client and FileSet information for webdev1

# Define Client
Client {
        Name = webdev1
        Address = webdev1
        FDPort = 9102
        Catalog = MyCatalog
        Password = "password"
        File Retention = 15 days
        Job Retention = 1 month
        AutoPrune = yes

# Define FileSet[s]
FileSet {
        Name = webdev1
                Ignore FileSet Changes = yes
                Include {
                        Options {
                                signature = MD5
                        File = \|/etc/bacula/scripts/mounted_ext3

                Exclude {
                        File = /proc
                        File = /tmp
                        File = /.journal
                        File = /.fsck

# Define Job[s]
Job {
        Name = webdev1
        Client = webdev1
        JobDefs = "DefaultJob"
        Write Bootstrap = "/var/bacula/webdev1.bsr"
        FileSet = webdev1
        Full Backup Pool = webdev1-full
        Differential Backup Pool = webdev1-differential

# Define Pool[s]
Pool {
        Name = webdev1-full
        Pool Type = Backup
        Label Format = "webdev1-full-"
        Recycle = yes
        Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
        AutoPrune = yes
        Maximum Volumes = 2
        Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
        Volume Retention = 2 weeks
        Accept Any Volume = yes

Pool {
        Name = webdev1-differential
        Pool Type = Backup
        Label Format = "webdev1-differential-"
        Recycle = yes
        Recycle Oldest Volume = yes
        AutoPrune = yes
        Maximum Volumes = 12
        Maximum Volume Jobs = 1
        Volume Retention = 12 days
        Accept Any Volume = yes

# vim:ts=4:ai:sb


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