Hello Georg,

On Friday 06 January 2006 12:17, Georg Lutz wrote:
> On 2006-01-05, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Earlier today, I released Bacula version 1.38.3 to Source Forge.  You can
> > find the following packages:
> Hi Kern,
> there is a problem with the rpm file. I tried it from several different
> mirrors, each time with the same result:

Yes, there was a serious problem.  Thanks for reporting this.

> ---
> $ rpm -K bacula-1.38.3-1.src.rpm
> bacula-1.38.3-1.src.rpm: sha1 MD5 NOT OK

You did a good thing here, because it appears that the uploaded file was 
truncated by about 2MB and hence was not good.  

> ---
> BTW: What are the steps to produce a a (source) rpm package directly
> from the tar.gz sources? 

This is a bit complicated, but was explained recently by a user in an email. 
I'll see about adding this to the manual a bit later ... 

Rather than go into all the details now, I much prefer that you download a 
valid .src.rpm, which I will have finished uploading by the time you get this 

> The obvious way ("rpmbuild -ta [defines] 
> bacula.tar.gz") does not work. When I place manually the bacula- and
> deppkgs sources in the rpm/SOURCE directory, call "rpmbuild -ba
> [defines] bacula.spec" (after a ./configure in the source directory) rpm
> complaints about missing file Release_Notes-1.38.3-1.tar.gz . Where I
> can get this file? Or is it generated somehow?

Once you get a valid .src.rpm, please follow the directions in the RPM chapter 
of the manual.  It provides you with two different ways of building the rpm 
from source (one after installation, and one directly from the .src.rpm if I 
remember correctly).  If at that point you have any problems, please send me 
the commands you used and the output ...

I haven't tried downloading the actual package but I have verified that the 
size is now correct, so if you re-download the package, hopefully things will 
go better for you.

Sorry for the problems.

I see that there were 6 downloads total, so I will notify the users, after I 
have carefully checked the sizes of all the other files I uploaded.

Best regards,



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