
We installed bacula 1.38.1 on Solaris 10.

I would like to have the following situation:

If Tape is full, unmount/offline and wait until next volume is inserted in
the drive.

But Bacula aborts the Job after 5min and all jobs waiting for the new tapes
are also aborted.

How schould I configure my bacula-sd and the storage ressource in
bacula-dir? I have configured Maximum Open Wait in the Device Ressource, but
it does not help.

Any hints?

part of bacula-sd.conf:
Device {
    Name = SDLTTape0
    Media Type = SDLT
    Archive Device = /dev/rmt/0cbn
    LabelMedia = yes;
    Random Access = no;
    AutomaticMount = yes;
    RemovableMedia = yes;
    AlwaysOpen = yes;
    Maximum Block size = 262144
    Maximum Spool Size = 20Gb
    Spool Directory = /u00/bacula/backupspool
    Maximum Network Buffer Size = 65536
    Volume Poll Interval = 5 min
    Close on Poll = yes
    Offline on Unmount = yes
    Maximum Open Wait = 8 h

Jobs in bacula-dir.conf:

JobDefs {
    Name = "BasicJob"
    Type = Backup
    Level = Differential
    Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
    Messages = Standard
    Storage = Tandberg
    Pool = "Backup"
    Priority = 10
    Max Wait Time = 13 Hours

JobDefs {
    Name = "SaturnDbCold"
    Type = Backup
    Level = Full 
    Schedule= "SchedSaturnDbCold"
    Messages = Standard
    Storage = Tandberg
    Pool = "Backup"
    Priority = 10
    Max Wait Time = 13 Hours

Job {
  Name = "saturn"
  JobDefs = "BasicJob"
  Write Bootstrap = "/u00/bacula/bootstraps/saturn.bsr"
  Client = saturn-fd
  FileSet = "SaturnFull"
  SpoolData = no 
  Priority = 11
  ClientRunBeforeJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/ClientRunBeforeJob.sh '%c' '%d'
 '%e' '%j' '%l' '%n' '%t' '%v'"
  ClientRunAfterJob = "/etc/bacula/scripts/ClientRunAfterJob.sh '%c' '%d'
'%i' '
%e' '%j' '%l' '%n' '%t' '%v'"

Client {
  Name = saturn-fd
  Address = saturn.braunvieh.ch
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = ".........."
  File Retention = 1 month 
  Job Retention = 2 month
  AutoPrune = yes

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