On Tuesday 13 December 2005 08:48, Joshua Kugler wrote:
> On Monday 12 December 2005 21:52, Stephan Holl wrote:
> > > /usr/bin/ssh -fnCN2 -o PreferredAuthentications=publickey \
> > >  -i /usr/local/bacula/ssh/id_dsa -l $USER -R 9101:$LOCAL:9101 \
> > >  -R 9103:$LOCAL:9103 $CLIENT
> >
> > Perhaps you need to do the redirecting on the output to > /dev/null
> > 2> /dev/null
> Hmm...I'll give that a try, but -f is supposed to make ssh go into the back
> ground, and I've even tried putting  a '&' after the command.  In addition,
> if I run the script in which the above command resides from the command
> line, it returns to the prompt right away.
> I'll try that and see what I can do.  Thanks!

Well, what do you know. :)  That worked.  It would appear that the ssh-tunnel 
example script needs some work (I also had to change some other things to get 
it to find the PID correctly).  I'll write up a little document on how I got 
this up and running, and include my version of the ssh-tunnel script.

Thanks for your help!

j----- k-----

Joshua Kugler
CDE System Administrator

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