On Wednesday 30 November 2005 10:00, Beren Gamble wrote:
> Kern,
> BIG Thanks from us too! We're backing up 50 servers with our 3 bacula
> boxes!!!! This has allowed us to uninstall ARCserve from 15 servers, whcih
> I took much pleasure in doing.

Thanks. That gives me pleasure to hear ... :-)

> What are the future plans for Bacula? 

Continue on the same path slowly becoming enterprise grade software, with more 
and more contributions from other Open Source developers, and with me 
devoting more time to ensure high quality integration of those contributions 
and to improve the quality of what is released ...

> Will it ever turn in to a commercial product?

Bacula will not become a commercial product while I have something to say 
about it, and I doubt that even after I am gone it will go commercial.  Right 
now a Foundation to guarantee Bacula's future Open Source status is too 
expensive . However, who knows what we will see in a year or two. The project 
certainly seems to be gaining momentum, so things are looking possitive, and 
given the horrible economic climate that is shaping up, and the participation 
of some "big players" in Bacula's evolution, Bacula's future is looking 
brighter and brighter ...

> Keep up the absolutely fantastic work, Kern.


> Beren
> >>> Kern Sibbald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 29/11/2005 21:00:03 >>>
> Hello Mark,
> Kind notes like yours are one of the big motivations for continuing to work
> on Bacula, since it already does a lot more than I need here ...
> Thanks.
> On Tuesday 29 November 2005 21:26, Mark Hazen wrote:
> > Kern-
> >
> > Knowing full and well the weight that publically supporting a project
> > with the size and scope of Bacula puts on your shoulders, I'd like to
> > say thank you, thank you, thank you. You do an admirable job, and yes,
> > while Bacula may not be as easy to get into as some of the commercial
> > backup systems, it's been far more flexible, and just as resilient and
> > dependable for us here.
> >
> > No reply is necessary, I know you've got a lot of fish to fry, but I
> > wanted to say "thanks". I think it's important to know how much we all
> > do appreciate your hard work.
> >
> > The same goes for those of you Bacula gurus who take the time to answer
> > the community questions. I spent a month reading documentation and
> > testing before implementing our Bacula environment here which alleviated
> > a great deal of my disorientation by itself, but I also know I was
> > graciously given the time to do things right by my employer, which isn't
> > a luxury everyone has access to when rolling out backup services.
> >
> > Cheers, and thanks.
> > -mh.

Best regards,



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