On Fri, Nov 25, 2005 at 08:58:19PM +0100, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> Hello,
> I am forwarding this to the list because it is a very interesting feature 
> request (a big project too), and because it is very similar to the request 
> submitted by Ross Boylan.  My question to Ross and Ray (and others), is: are 
> the two requests compatible? and if so, what would the wording be for a 
> single request?
> Thanks ...

My initial reaction is that the feature below concerns a different kind of
functionality.  I was looking to delete the backup volumes on disk,
whereas the proposal below concerns deleting actual user-level files
from the disk.

That said, one way to accomplish what I wanted might be to use the
type of feature proposed below as a 2nd level backup.  The first level
backup puts regular (i.e., not bacula disk based volumes) into volumes
on disk.  The second level uses the feature below to archive the
disk-based volumes to tape or some other medium.  The semantics of
this approach would be slightly different, since the 2nd level backup
would like go just by the modification time of the disk based volumes,
and have no knowledge of the internal jobs contained in the volume.
However, that might be good enough.

Another comment on the proposal below: I wonder if the task of
selecting which files to archive should be bacula's, or if it should
simply be handed a list of files.  The type of tests described sound
like the speciality of find.  So maybe find should produce a list, and
bacula should use it.

> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: Feature Request
> Date: Thursday 24 November 2005 19:26
> From: "Ray Pengelly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'Kern Sibbald'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Item : Archival of Data to Tape
> Date:   Nov. 24/2005
> Origin: Ray Pengelly [ray at biomed dot queensu dot ca
> Status:
> What:   The ability to archive data to storage based on certain parameters
> such as age, size, or location. Once the data has been written to storage
> and logged it is then pruned from the originating filesystem.


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