Sorry i made a stupid little mistake...

The user bacula has no right to execute the mtx-changer script!
The problem was, that doing an "update slots" or "mount" command there was no

But now i run "umount" which says that it has no permission.


Timo Eissler schrieb:


i have just upgraded from 1.36.0 to 1.38.2.

And now i can´t do an "update slots" command for my autochanger, because i will only get

Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
Update choice:
1: Volume parameters
2: Pool from resource
3: Slots from autochanger
Choose catalog item to update (1-3): 3
The defined Storage resources are:
1: File
2: LIB-D81_changer
3: DLT-4000
Select Storage resource (1-3): 2
Connecting to Storage daemon LIB-D81_changer at ... Connecting to Storage daemon LIB-D81_changer at ...
3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
Device "LIB-D81" has 0 slots.
No slots in changer to scan.

This is going to make me crazy, because i think i upgraded my configs the right way.


Storage {
Name = "LIB-D81_changer"
Address =
SDPort = 9103
Password = "iWair9qu"
Device = "LIB-D81"
MediaType = "AIT-2"
Autochanger = yes
Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1


Autochanger {
Name = "LIB-D81"
Device = "SDX-500V"
Changer Device = /dev/sg2
Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"

Device {
Name = "SDX-500V"
Description = "Sony SDX-500V"
Drive Index = 0
Media Type = "AIT-2"
Archive Device = /dev/nst0
AutomaticMount = yes
AlwaysOpen = yes
RemovableMedia = yes
RandomAccess = no
Label media = no
Autochanger = yes
Changer Device = /dev/sg2
Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
Alert Command = "sh -c 'tapeinfo -f %c |grep TapeAlert|cat'"
Spool Directory = /srv/bacula-spool/LIB-D81
Maximum Spool Size = 32212254720

Please can someone show me a way to solve this problem?

I tested so much thinks like "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer /dev/sg2 slots 1 /dev/nst0 0" which gives me the correct number of slots.

I think i can´t solve this my own. Thanks for any help.


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