It's been about two weeks and I still can't get past this error. 

ns1{rwhartz}: bin/bacula start
Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
Starting the Bacula File daemon
Starting the Bacula Director daemon bacula-dir: fatal: open failed: No such
file or directory

Anybody have any idea how I can tell bacula where this file is? There
are no errors with configure, make, or make install. The file is there:

ns1{rwhartz}: find /opt/local -name -print

Configuration on Mon Nov 14 21:04:15 MST 2005:

  Host:                       i386-pc-solaris2.10 -- solaris 5.10
  Bacula version:             1.38.0 (28 October 2005)
  Source code location:       .
  Install binaries:           /home/rwhartz/bacula/sbin
  Install config files:       /home/rwhartz/bacula/etc
  Scripts directory:          /home/rwhartz/bacula/bin
  Working directory:          /home/rwhartz/bacula/var/bacula/working
  PID directory:              /home/rwhartz/bacula/var/bacula-pid
  Subsys directory:           /home/rwhartz/bacula/var/bacula/working
  Man directory:              /home/rwhartz/bacula/share/man
  Data directory:             /home/rwhartz/bacula/share
  C Compiler:                 gcc 3.4.3
  C++ Compiler:               /usr/sfw/bin/g++ 3.4.3
  Compiler flags:              -g -O2 -Wall
  Linker flags:
  Libraries:                  -lpthread -lgen -lresolv -lnsl -lsocket
-lxnet  -lintl -lresolv
  Statically Linked Tools:    no
  Statically Linked FD:       no
  Statically Linked SD:       no
  Statically Linked DIR:      no
  Statically Linked CONS:     no
  Database type:              MySQL
  Database lib:               -L/opt/local/lib/mysql -lmysqlclient_r -lz

  Job Output Email:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Traceback Email:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  SMTP Host Address:          localhost

  Director Port:              9101
  File daemon Port:           9102
  Storage daemon Port:        9103

  Director User:              rwhartz
  Director Group:             staff
  Storage Daemon User:        rwhartz
  Storage DaemonGroup:        staff
  File Daemon User:           rwhartz
  File Daemon Group:          staff

  SQL binaries Directory      /opt/local/bin

  Large file support:         yes
  Bacula conio support:       yes -lcurses
  readline support:           no
  TCP Wrappers support:       yes -lwrap
  TLS support:                yes
  ZLIB support:               yes
  enable-smartalloc:          yes
  enable-gnome:               no
  enable-wx-console:          no
  client-only:                no
  build-dird:                 yes
  build-stored:               yes
  ACL support:                no
  Python support:             no

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