On Mon, 14 Nov 2005, Kern Sibbald wrote:

On Monday 14 November 2005 22:20, Matt Bettinger wrote:
Good Afternoon,

I decided to upgrade bacula on FreeBsd 5.4 (mysql) from 1.36? to 1.38.0
It compiled fine but it appears that my mysql database tables are out of
date.  When starting the bacula daemons I get an error:

helpdesk# sh /usr/local/etc/rc.d/z-bacula.sh start
Starting the Bacula Storage daemon
Starting the Bacula File daemon
Starting the Bacula Director daemon
14-Nov 15:16 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Version error for database
"bacula". Wanted 9, got 8
14-Nov 15:16 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Could not open database "bacula".
14-Nov 15:16 bacula-dir:  Fatal error: Version error for database
"bacula". Wanted 9, got 8
14-Nov 15:16 bacula-dir ERROR TERMINATION
Please correct configuration file: /usr/local/etc/bacula-dir.conf

I know about the table update scripts but do not see one for MySQL
versions 8->9.

helpdesk# ls
README                          update_postgresql_tables_7_to_8
update_mysql_tables_4_to_5      update_sqlite_tables_4_to_5
update_mysql_tables_5_to_6      update_sqlite_tables_5_to_6
update_mysql_tables_6_to_7      update_sqlite_tables_6_to_7
update_mysql_tables_7_to_8      update_sqlite_tables_7_to_8
helpdesk# pwd

Thanks for any assistance.  I'd check the archives first but
sourceforge's site is not up at the moment and I really would like to
get this fixed before tonight.  ;-)
I cannot speak for the FreeBSD port, but the normal update script from one
version to the next is found in src/cats/update_bacula_tables

Check the README file in that folder.  Per the note in there from 
November, these scripts aren't necessary for what you're trying to do.
(And you're farther along with the upgrade than I am, if that's any 
concolation.)  :)
Luke Dean

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