On Monday 14 November 2005 16:35, Joshua Myles wrote:
> On 11/14/2005 10:32 AM, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > By the way, I saw several emails from someone who said that he could not
> > get multiple concurrent jobs working on multiple drives, but I haven't
> > had any problems here -- with my test scripts.
> /me waves.
> I'm still having this issue, but was going to wait until 1.38.1 to dig
> into it again.
> Kern, when you run your tests, are you using one or multiple pools?

I was using a single Pool.

I just took a look at my multiple drive regression test.  In fact, I ran it to 
make sure it works.  Yes, it works, and it writes on both drives. However I'm 
really embarassed to say that I was completely wrong -- it does not write to 
two drives simultaneously.  There seems to be something wrong with the drive 
selection algorithm as I planned it that does not select the second drive 
when the second job is started.  

During the third backup of the test (after the first two full backups), I do 
force it to write to the second drive by marking the tape on the first drive 
as Used, and it does write to the second drive. The restore reads the first 
tape on the first drive, then moves the second tape from drive the second 
drive to the first and reads it.  This last part during the restore is a not 
optimal, but I was aware of it -- it is a current Bacula limitation that no 
single job can use more than one drive.

So, I have to eat my words and add this to my list of things to look at.  

In the mean time, I guess you will need to use multiple Pools if you want to 
write to both drives at the same time :-(

Best regards,



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