Kern Sibbald a écrit :

Restores are done by client, so the restore command doesn't know what Job
did the backup, and so it probably because it takes the first storage device that matches the Media Type. If you assign a different Media Type to each of your Devices, this will not happen. This comment applies to the problem reported by Michael Galloway too.

I tried to change the Media Type of the different devices/storages, and it works !
Thanks !
But it is not very easy for me to understand that my differents devices that all go to File/Disk, must have different Media Type... What is strange is that I didn't have this problem in 1.36... or at least the Storage mod was working (perhaps why I didn't
notice the problem)

Have you tried specifing the correct Storage device by using the "mod" feature?

Yes, I did, but it was not working (before doing the Media Type
changes), cf. my first mail :
Run Restore job
JobName:    Restauration ETUD dans .tmp.bacula-restores
Bootstrap: /var/bacula/sauvegarde-dir.restore.*Console*.2005-11-09_18.14.58.bsr
Where:      /tmp/bacula-restores
Replace:    always
FileSet:    DRBD
Client:     ETUD
Storage:    catalog-storage <===== not what I want
When:       2005-11-09 18:18:31
Catalog:    MyCatalog
Priority:   10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): mod <======== Here is the mod
Parameters to modify:
   1: Level
   2: Storage
   3: Job
   4: FileSet
   5: Client
   6: When
   7: Priority
   8: Bootstrap
   9: Where
  10: Replace
  11: JobId
Select parameter to modify (1-11): 2
The defined Storage resources are:
   1: catalog-storage
   2: sauvegarde-sd
   3: ifrcir217-root-storage
   4: ifrcir218-root-storage
   5: etud-drbd-storage
   6: nagios-root-storage
Select Storage resource (1-6): 5 <======= I change the storage
Run Restore job
JobName:    Restauration ETUD dans .tmp.bacula-restores
Bootstrap: /var/bacula/sauvegarde-dir.restore.*Console*.2005-11-09_18.14.58.bsr
Where:      /tmp/bacula-restores
Replace:    always
FileSet:    DRBD
Client:     ETUD
Storage:    etud-drbd-storage         <========= It seems OK
When:       2005-11-09 18:18:31
Catalog:    MyCatalog
Priority:   10
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job started. JobId=12
$ messages
09-Nov 18:19 sauvegarde-dir: Start Restore Job Restauration_ETUD_dans_.tmp.bacula-restores.2005-11-09_18.19.23 09-Nov 18:19 sauvegarde-sd: Restauration_ETUD_dans_.tmp.bacula-restores.2005-11-09_18.19.23 Fatal error: acquire.c:199 Open device "SAVE-CATALOG" (/save/catalog) Volume "etud-full-drbd-0001" failed: ERR=dev.c:466 Could not open: /save/catalog/etud-full-drbd-0001, ERR=No such file or directory

But it was not OK... cause it should use Device SAVE-ETUD-drbd, not SAVE-CATALOG
Or I am missing something... (that's probably the case)
That's why I send my first mail !

But it works now, Thank you very much !



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