
On 07.11.2005 18:01, Sol Lederman wrote:


I'm going nuts with a Bacula installation I inherited. I've got a
volume, with VolStatus=Append. This corresponds to a tape in my
autoloader that I want to reuse as all the tapes are full and this is
the oldest tape in the jukebox.

I purged the db info for this tape and I get this message from Bacula:


That was not the most clever idea... see below.

06-Nov 23:07 root-sd: Job Backup_Catalog.2005-10-30_01.10.00 waiting.
Cannot find any appendable volumes.
Please use the "label"  command to create a new Volume for:
    Storage:      Compaq AIT 35 Autoloader
    Media type:   AIT-1
    Pool:         Default

If I try to label the tape Bacula tells me it's already labeled:

Help!!!! What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do? I have looked at
the Bacula manual and I'm still stuck.

Unmount the drive from Bacula (should be unmounted now).
Make sure the right tape is loaded in the drive.
In a shell, issue a command like 'mt -f /dev/nst0 rewind; mt -f /dev/nst0 weof' This will overwrite the start of the tape in question and thus destroy Bacula's tape label. Make sure you understand the consequences of using mt before believing me anything :-)

After that, use bconsole to label the tape.

You can also use the add command to re-enter the volume into the catalog.

The "right" way would have been to either let Bacula decide when it wanst to use that volume (usually it does things right), to assist Bacula by manually setting the volume status (command update volume in Baculas console) or to prune or purge the volume. The point is that Bacula refuses to use tapes that are labeled but don't exist in its catalog.

From another point of view: Don't manually modify the catalog or use the delete command unless you really know what you do ;-P

Hope this helps,



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