On 04.11.2005 10:39, Ove Risberg wrote:
Hi all,
In netbackup you can select ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES instead of specifying all
the filesystems on your server and in bacula you can set onefs=no and
tell it to backup / and the result is almost the same if you do not use
concurrent jobs.
When using ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES and concurrent jobs in netbackup multiple
filesystems are backupped at the same time.
To do the same in bacula I have to define a FileSet and a Job for each
filesystem and when doing a restore in wx-console I do no have the
possibility browse all the filesystems at the same time when doing a
restore (I have to select a FileSet).
If I could use character substitution in FileSet the same ways it is
used in RunBeforeJob I could make jobs with the names client_/,
client_/var and client_/home and they could use the same FileSet.
FileSet {
Name = "MyCharacterSubstitutionTest"
Include {
Options { signature = SHA1 }
File = "|sh -c 'echo %j | sed \"s/^[^_]*_//\"'"
But how does bacula and wx-console handle this when doing a restore?
No idea... although the concept is definitely interesting.
Do I see all jobs using the same FileSet or only the last job?
Does Incremental backups work when using the same FileSet for multiple
filesystems on the same client?
If this works I still have to create a job for each filesystem on the
server and make sure I do not forget to update bacula when adding new
Please tell me that I have missed a configuration option somewhere and
it is easy to make backups of multiple filesystems at the same time on
one client with bacula.
Unfortunately, you didn't miss anything I know about.
In fact, what you describe (or want) is something that Bacula can't do.
First, Baculas jobs are what you handle for restores. So, since I back
up one of my servers in four jobs (system, home directories, databases,
mail) I have to run four restores in case of a desaster. No way around
that, as far as I know. Especially in case of a restore, being able to
just order something like "restore client=xxx-fd current everything"
would be something very helpful, as well as seeing all the file sets for
one client, and not only for each job.
Second, allowing multiple filesets per job would be an improvement, too,
to simplify setup of larger installations where you can prepare common
building blocks for many servers.
Thanks for a great backup solution
Indeed, and when you have more ideas how to implement what you suggested
I'm quite sure that a more detailed discussion might result in a further
improvement :-)
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