New datapoint: I am now backing up to my recently acquired USB2 hard
drive using file storage and the backup speeds are very slow just like
with DVD. So it can't be disk bandwidth or DVD issues. Still have 95%
idle cpu time during backup.

Tracy R Reed wrote:
> Ok, so over the course of the last few days I think I have got just
> about everything figured out. I have a full backup of all three of my
> systems safely on DVD, I can restore, it does incrementals automatically
> every night, I am happy.
> Except for one thing: The backups are VERY slow. Even the host local to
> the DVD burner is very slow so it cannot be the network even though I
> have tested that and it is very fast. It seems to run somewhere between
> 100k/s and 1M/s. I do not know why it varies. It seems like perhaps it
> gets faster as the backup progresses, I'm not sure. At first I thought
> maybe I was somehow running out of disk bandwidth or causing disk
> contention since I am backing up from and spooling DVD images to the
> same spindle. But I ran some disk benchmarks and watched iostat and
> while the backup is running I can get 50MB/s disk throughput. Plus it's
> slow when streaming from other hosts and spooling locally. Also, the cpu
> time is 95% idle during the backup so it isn't cpu contention. So it
> would seem that the delay must be coming from somewhere within bacula
> itself. A full backup of my system should take just a couple of hours,
> not 12!
> I am running bacula from CVS as of three or four days ago on an AMD64
> running FC4.
> Any ideas? Thanks!

Tracy R Reed

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