
As most of you know, in March, if I remember right, I planned a two week 
vaction in mid-October to improve my German.  What I didn't know was that I 
was going to have a back operation in September.  Well, my condition had 
improved sufficiently that I left on vacation as planned.  However, the 
stress of sitting 8-10 hours/day in sometimes uncomfortable chairs was too 
much so I had to cut my German course short after a week and return home -- a 
big disappointment.

All that to say that I am back at home, and doing OK, but waiting until next 
week to see if my doctor can correct the problem introduced by the operation.

Bacula status:
In the mean time, barring any new difficulties with 1.37.x, I will be 
releasing it, probably over this weekend or early next week.  There *are* 
still a few problems it, but as far as I can tell, the problems are all in 
the new features:

- There may still be a one or more problems (indicated by Arno) in the 
reservation system, but hopefully it is not worse than 1.36.3

- The new DVD code seems to be working fine, but it is built on the use of 
external programs, which makes the whole system a bit fragile -- not much we 
can do about that. In fact Nicolas and Arno have made enormous progress ...

- The Python implementation is really quite incomplete, and I have a few 
reasons to believe that it is a bit fragile.  In future releases, I'll be 
working on adding a more complete feature set, and ensuring that small 
scripting errors/omissions will not cause it to crash.

- I suspect that not all the new features have been documented or have not 
been sufficiently documented.  Unfortunately, at the moment, I don't have 
enough energy to pluge into it as I would like ...

I'll be looking into the following items before the release:
- Anything you give me as feedback to this email.
- Look at remaining bug report against wx-console
- Look at the "busy writing" failure reported by Arno
- Possibly a final check to see that at least all the new features are noted
  in the document.
- Merge the most recent changes to the CVS HEAD into the 1.38.0 branch.
- Make final tweaks to the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog

Despite the fact that there remain some problem areas as noted above, the base 
code in version 1.37.x has proven extremely stable, and in addition, it has 
quite a number of very nice new features, thanks to some unexpected 
contributions that add some really important functionality.

Best regards,



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