
On 23.10.2005 06:47, Ross Boylan wrote:

I have a bunch of jobs/filesets I want to backup.  Since this is the
first time, I'd like to test them first.

Potentially, I could get job 1 the way I like it and start it while
working on the next jobs specifications.

Is there a way to do so, and is it a good idea?

I would be rather careful with this... see below.

First, will bacula be able to service an estimate command from the
console at the same time it is running a real backup?

Basically, yes, but I never tried if this is influenced by the maximum concurrent jobs for the client and job in question. You could try it.

Second, if I edit the direct configuration I need to get it reloaded,
which appears to require a restart of the director.  I suspect this
would trash the backup job that was in progress.  Will it?

Definitely. That's why there is a reload command. BUT reload can cause a director crash later.

As far as I understand, once a job is prepared for running (2 hours before start time, IIRC) and you change that jobs's configuration the DIR can (or will) crash when the job is actually started.

Modifying other resources *should* work, though. The problem is that in many cases resources are shared by jobs, like clients, filesets, storage.



Ross Boylan

For now, I'll just try getting all the jobs set and then running
them.  Unfortunately, even the estimates are taking quite awhile to
run.  I tried turning off the compression, but it doesn't seem to
help--still using all the CPU.

bacula-director-pgsql 1.36.3-1b on Debian (I made a small patch to fix
a problem with recurse=no, which isn't relevant to my current tests).

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