On 23.10.2005 00:11, Ross Boylan wrote:

I am backing up to disk and attempting to create volumes (i.e., files)
labelled with the date that will hold, for example, a few days backup.
I want a new volume to be created after a few days.

Something is going wrong, because I'm using terribly old volumes:
llist volume=Inc2005-06-23_0040
          mediaid: 4
       volumename: Inc2005-06-23_0040
             slot: 0
           poolid: 4
        mediatype: File
     firstwritten: 2005-10-06 02:05:02
      lastwritten: 2005-10-07 02:16:40
        labeldate: 2005-10-06 01:05:46
          voljobs: 4
         volfiles: 0
        volblocks: 10,566
        volmounts: 19
         volbytes: 681,549,289
        volerrors: 0
        volwrites: 10,667
 volcapacitybytes: 0
        volstatus: Full
          recycle: 1
     volretention: 1,209,600
   voluseduration: 259,212
       maxvoljobs: 0
      maxvolfiles: 0
      maxvolbytes: 681,574,400
        inchanger: 0
          endfile: 0
         endblock: 681,484,981
Obviously, the volume was first written on 2005-06-23, not 2005-10-06,
and it's being used way after its volume use period.  (I'm not sure
what the units of the reported volretention and voluseduration above
are--anybody know?).

The durations should be seconds, I believe. And no, there's nothing wrong - the volume is reused, and that is the expected behaviour.

The relevant pool declaration is
Pool {
  Name = Incremental
  Pool Type = Backup
  Maximum Volume Bytes = 650m;
  Volume Use Duration = 3 days 12 hours;
  Volume Retention = 14 days;
  Label Format = 

The behavior seems to contradict what "Volume Use Duration" is
supposed to do (though see caveats below).  Is this some weird
recycling?  I can't tell what the default for recyling is, but it
seems to be on in the listing above, so I guess it defaults to yes.

Volume use duration refers to the duration a volume can be appended to. After that time, the volume is marked used. After the retention periods have expired, the volume can be recycled, and then be appended for the set duration again.

This may relate to a puzzle I posted earlier (Aug 27 "Apparent Use of
Wrong Volume") in which the log showed
27-Aug 01:06 wheat-dir: Pruned 1 Job on Volume "Diff2005-07-16_0047" from 
27-Aug 01:06 wheat-dir: Recycled volume "Diff2005-07-16_0047"
27-Aug 01:06 wheat-sd: Recycled volume "Diff2005-07-16_0047" on device
"/var/spool/bacula", all previous data lost.
and then backup to the same volume.

The description of "Volume Use Duration" notes the value is checked
only at the end of a job writing to the volume, and does note that
volumes set to "used" can't be appended to but can be recycled.

Would adding "Recycle = No" be sufficient to get the expected

Yes and no.
The volumes would no longer be reused then, but they would not be deleted from disk or from the catalog.

My goals:
* after a certain time the physical file (volume) is not written to

Volume Use Duration (plus disabling recycling).

* after a certain time that physical file is deleted (ideally, this
  would be a longer time than the first item)

Bacula doesn't do that itself. Perhaps later, with a python event triggered when pruning a volume...

* different jobs may use the same volume (if they run during the
  period its live and they aren't too big)

No problem.

* the deletion does not delete records in the catalog

Why would you want the records in the catalog once the volume doesn't exist anymore?

How do I get that?

You will need some intervention from outside of Bacula to delete the actual volume files, the rest can be achived by configuration changes.


Ross Boylan

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