Viktorija wrote:
> what about Windows type client? I don't need administrator rights for 
> stolling such file :)

But you're using restricted consoles on your Windows clients that allow
access only to jobs saved for that machine, right....?  Or maybe you
don't even HAVE a console installed on the Windows client, in which case
our hypothetical thief can't get the director to give him any data
because the client has no permission to open a console session.

I'm fairly sure you'll find compromise of a client, unless the client
has a full, unrestricted console, does not get you access to any data
that wasn't already on the client you compromised in the first place.

 Phil Stracchino       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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