
Nice writeup.  If you are interested, I could include your document as a 
chapter in the Bacula manual.  I think it would be a big help to our users.

To do so, I would need your permission since you have copyrighted it. You 
could either change your copyright to say "Written by Brian McDonald 
copyright transferred to Kern Sibbald, 2005". 

Or you can keep your copyright as it is and clarifiy several things I will 
need: 1. permission to change it (if for no other reason than the Bacula 
manual is in LaTeX format rather than html). 2. Permission to include it in 
the Bacula manual. 3. Permission to distribute it with the Bacula manual.  
This could be done by adding a sentence: Brian McDonald hereby grants explicit 
permission to Kern Sibbald to: modify the text, include it in, and distribute 
it with the Bacula manual.

In either case, the best procedure is for you to make one of the above changes 
then email me the text as an attachement.  If not, that is OK too -- thanks 
for writing it :-)

Be advised that I am away from home for the next two weeks.

On Saturday 15 October 2005 04:16, Brian McDonald wrote:
> Several folks asked for information about my efforts to use BartPE, Bacula,
> and persistence to get bare metal recovery working on Windows 2000.  I
> wrote it all up (finally) - here it is:
> http://www.lustygrapes.net/brian/win2k_bare_metal_recovery.html
> Comments and further input are all welcome!
> Thanks,
> Brian

Best regards,



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