Julien Cigar wrote:
>> Did you use the cap command to list tape capabilities?  Did you run a
>> fill test to ensure that Bacula can fill up a tape and write on to the
>> next?  There are several capabilities that are crucial for Bacula.
> I runned all the tests which are in the documentation and they completed
> successfully.
> What is the 'cap' command you are talking about ... ?

Run btape, and type 'help'.  It'll show you all the commands, including
this one:

  cap        list device capabilities

>> Do all backups fill a tape, or does this occur only when you completely
>> fill a tape?
> it occurs randomly, sometimes after 10go, sometimes at the end, ...

I think it's going to require more information to isolate it.  Have you
used the drive with other software and verified that it works properly?

 Phil Stracchino       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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