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On 07.10.2005 21:45, George R. Kasica wrote:


On 06.10.2005 19:55, George R.Kasica wrote:

I'm running into an interesting problem here with the pre configured
backups of the catalog to disk file system.

It seem to continue to grow without ever getting smaller:
14008761445 Oct  6 00:37 BaculaBackup

How can I configure Bacula to reuse or purge some of this space??

You need to set up more than one volume, and then use retention times and automatic pruning and recycling correctly. There are some detailed examples in the manual...

The setup isn't hard for tapes, but how would I do it for files, same
I didn't know that I could make more than one disk I could
make a Backup-Set-1 (2,3,4,5,6,7) volumes and then put them in a Pool
with the retention times and recycling options shown below, correct?

In short: Bacula *never* shortens a volume that it still considers valid. Internally, bacula handles all volumes similar to tapes, and tapes are only appended to or they are completely overwritten (which means truncated with file based volumes).

I've got a file in /tmp called BaculaBackup where the two backup to
disk jobs run to.

The expire times are as follows:

Pool {
 Name = Default
 Pool Type = Backup
Recycle = yes # Bacula can auto recycle AutoPrune = yes # Prune expired volumes
 Volume Retention = 7 days           # 7 days
 Accept Any Volume = yes             # write on any volume in pool

I hope the missing } is only a cut-and-paste error :-)
I'd bet that you only have one volume in that pool.

Yes, missed the } sorry. :)

Yes, there is only one volume in the Default Pool it's called
I'm assuming making a set as above


in that pool will solve the problem? I'm guessing given a 7 day tape
lifetime I'd want about 7 volumes in the pool?

Yes, that's one way to do this.
It's easiest to set up automatic volume labeling and then limit the number of volmes in the pool. Additionally, you should either limit the number of jobs per volume (not generally recommended), the maximum volume size (good if you want to limit the overall disk usage) or the volume use duration (that's what you use when you want to use each volme during one day, and then cycle to the next one).

Once this setup works, you should either delete or modify your existing volume - the information about volumes is not updated when you change the pool definition, so that volume will still grow and grow and grow...


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann        

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