On 7 Oct 2005 at 11:12, Gurpreet Singh wrote:

> thanks alot for you prompt reply. I appreciate that.
> Could you please tell me how exactly daisy chain drives work with Bacula? Do
> you need to configure bacula for all the drives in the chain or just one?
> Could it be used for mirroring the same backup?

Please CC the mailing list on all replies.   Nobody on the list is a 
personal question answerer.  We answer questions posted to the list


Bacula only knows about the tape drives you tell it about.  Tell 
Bacula about all the tapes, and it can use them.  Tell it about one, 
and it can use that.

As for mirroring, no, that doesn't happen.  There is a concept of job 
migration, but I don't know the details.  Someone else might explain 
Dan Langille : http://www.langille.org/
BSDCan - The Technical BSD Conference - http://www.bsdcan.org/

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