-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Joe Rhett
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 7:55 PM
To: Bennett, Silas (GE Infrastructure)
Cc: Arno Lehmann; bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] Auto-labeling volumes depending on

>On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 01:21:05PM -0400, Bennett, Silas (GE Infrastructure) 
>> >But with tapes you do have the 
>> > simple constraint of "is there really a tape for this?"
>> > 
>> > Is it possible to constrain bacula to only create volumes when it has a
>> > blank tape in the drive to label?  This whole thing with creating a volume
>> > that has no physical reality is what confuses me.
>> This is where the scratch pool comes in. Of coarse this is assuming the use 
>> of an autochanger.
>> If a pool runs out of tape space, according to the manual, Bacula will grab 
>> a tape from the "Scratch" pool and relabel it to be in the pool that is tape 
>> space deficient. The operator then just needs to make sure that new 
>> "Scratch" pool tapes are added to the changer.
>Again, you're missing the point.  I don't want it to create more tapes
>under any circumstances.  If it runs out of tape, I want to it look for
>(and use) the oldest tape available for it to recycle.  Not create a new

Ahhh. Ok, I get it. That is how I handle my differential backups. I have a pool 
of 7 tapes that the differentials cycle thru. I set that up based on 
information I found (in the Manual) here:


Here is my diff pool declaration for reference.

Pool {
  Name = Diff
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes
  AutoPrune = yes
  Volume Retention = 14 days
  Recycle Current Volume = yes
  Accept Any Volume = no
  Label Format = "Diff_${NumVols}_${Month:p/2/0/r}-${Day:p/2/0/r}-${Year}"

Hope this helps...

Silas Bennett


>If I want to add more tapes to the pool, I can choose to do that as meets
>my own needs.  I don't want Bacula trying to "wish" new tapes into
>existence that I have no intention to purchase.
>Joe Rhett
>senior geek
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